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(235) Page 186 -
And . . . payed be the comptare to Johnne Fraser, falcon-
are, at command of the quenis majesties precept of the
dait the 27 day of Aprile 1566 yeiris, as the same and his
acquittance, schawin and producit upoun compt, proportis,
And . . . payed . . . to dame Marie Pierre, lady Seyttoun,
at command of the quenis majesties precept, dated the
10 of July 1566, as the same and hir acquittance, produced
upon compt, proportis, £48, 13s.
And . . . pait ... to Antonie Standell, youngare, and
Anthonie Standell, eldare, in pairt of payment of their feyis
of the yeir compted, at command of the quenis majesties
[precept as the same and deleted] as their acquittance,
producit upoun compt, proportis, £60.
And . . . pait mair ... to the said Anthonie Standell,
eldare [at his passing to France deleted] at command of
the quenis majesties [precept deleted] as the same proportis,1
And . . . pait... to Williame Tailyour for payment of the
dettis of Mathow Greyne, Inglishman, at command of the
handis and thay gevin up restand at the home thairfoir, as the particulare
compt of the collectorie of Murray, berand the same and their names in
speciall, proportis, quhairthrow the comptare wes compelled to pay the
hieast prices forsaidis thairfoir to the saidis merchandis for the avancement
of their money, according to the tennour of the said contract, extending
in the haill to £gg.
And of fourtye schillingis for ilk boll of aucht c. twelf b. a firlot a pect
beir and thretty twa schillingis for ilk boll of twa c. thre p. meill of the
thriddis of the victualles of the abbay of Paislay and subdeanerie of
Glasgow . . ., quhilkis war said be the comptare to the saidis Mr. Michaell
Chisholme and his partynaris and nocht deliverit to thame according to
their contract bot rested in the handis of the commendater and fermoraris
of the saidis abbay and archideanrie and thay gevin in restand and at the
home for non-payment thairof in the particulare compt of Lanark and
Ramfrew, as the same beris, and thairfoir the comptare compellit to pay
the hieast prices thairfoir to the saidis merchandis according to the natour
of the said contract for the avauncement of their money as said is, extend¬
ing in the haill to the soume of £332, 6d.
1 As hir majestic confessat upon compt in margin.

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