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And with the soume . . . payit be the said Maister Robert
at command of the comptare to certane personis of the
gaird of the fruittis of the collectorie of the crop and yeir
compted, as his particulare compt gevin in thairupoun of
befoir . . . proportis, £1041, 18s. 4d.
And . . . forth of the handis of Johnne Murray, collectoure
within the boundis of Berwick, Roxburgh, Selkirk and
Peiblis, off the frutis of the said collectorie of the crop and
yeir compted, . . . £755, 7s. 4d.
And with the soume . . . payit and deliverit be the said
Johnne Murray at command of the comptare to certane
archearis of the gaird . . . £530.
And . . . furth of the handis of Duncane Levingstoun,
collectoure depute within the boundis of Edinburgh prin¬
cipal!, Lynlythgow and Hadingtoun, . . . £394, 13s. 4d.
And with the soume . . . payed be the said Duncane at
command of the comptare to certane archearis of the
garde . . . £823, 6s. 8d.
THE EXONERATIOUN and discharge of the
haill soumes befoir charged.
[To the captain and archers of the guard, £6000, and to the
clerk of the watch of the guard, £164.]1
And of the soume . . . payed and delivered be the comptare
to Allexander Durehame, argentare to oure soverannis, in
pairt of payment of the expenses of their majesties housses
and averie fra the first day of October the yeir of God jm vc
threscoir five yeiris unto the last day of September the yeir
of God jm vc threscoir sex yeiris inclusive, makand ane
haill yeir, as the said argentaris acquittance, schawin and
producit upoun compt, berand the ressait of the same,
proportis, £23,351, 13s. 4d.
1 Printed in Maitland Club, Miscellany, I. i. 35.

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