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scoir five yeiris, crop and fruittis of the same yeir,
as he is burdeyned and charged thairwith be their
particulare comptis maid of befoir of the same
crop and yeir, alsweill affermit theirin to be payit
and deliverit to him self be the saidis collectouris
depute as alsua be theym in his name to diverse
particulare personis of the garde, for the quhilkis
be the saidis comptis he is haldin to answer, maid
and gevin be him to the lordis auditouris of oure
soveranis lord and ladeis chekker depute for heiring
thairof at Edinburgh the thrid day of Februare the
yeir of God ane thousand fyve hundreith thre scoir
sex yeiris.
In the first the comptare charges him with the soume of
ane hundreith twenty sex pundis threttene schillingis foure
penneis receaved be him furth of the handis of sir Magnus
Murray, collectoure within the boundis of Orknay and
Zetland, of the fruittis of the crop and yeir compted, as his
particulare compt, berand the deliverance of the said
soume to the comptare, proportis, £126, 13s. 4d.
Alsua the comptare charges him with the soume of fyve
hundreith sextene pundis twentie penneis twa pairt d.
receaved be him furth of the handis of Patrik Davidsoun,
Kyntyir pursevant, collectoure depute within the boundis
of the scherefdome of Inverness fra the Stokfurde north,
of the frutis of the crop and yeir compted, as his particulare
compt, berand the deliverance thairof to the comptare,
beris, £516, Is. 8fd.
And with the soume . . . receaved be the comptare furth
of the handis of Maister Johne Duff, collectoure depute in
Murray fra the Stokfurde to Spey, of the fruitis of the crop
and yeir compted, as the said Maister Johnnis particulare
compt, berand the deliverance thairof to the comptare,
proportis, £1362, 7s. Ifd.
And . . . receaved be him furth of the handis of Maister
James Harvye of Bundis, collectoure within the scheref-
domes of Banff and Abirdene, . . . £1000.

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