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And . . . pait ... to Johnne Purrok and Hew Cant, twa of
the freiris of Roxburgh . . . £32.
And . . . pait ... to freir Williame Lamb and Johnne
Gadye, for the keping of the gray freiris place of Abirdene
and yardis thairof, at command of the quenis majesties
precept . . . £20.
Summ of this defesance of the freris, £1095, 6s. 8d.
Swa restis £27,476, 15s. ll^d.
\Paid1 to the guard for three quarters (1 April 1562-
1 January 1562/3) at £2250 quarterly, £6750; paid for
palliasses for these three quarters, £184, 11s.; paid to
Hugh Lauder, corporal, Andrew Reidpeth, Simon Cok-
burne, Alexander Cowtis, John Redpeth, Hugh Crawfurde,
William Lauder, [blank] and William Lindsay, nine archers
of the guard, £100. Total, £7034, 11s.]
Pensionis, Preceptis
Off the quhilk soume yit restand thair aucht to be
defeased and allowit to the comptare the soumes following,
pait and debursit ... at oure soverane ladeis command
be vertew of hir hienes preceptis and letters of pensioun
direct to the comptare thairupon as followis :
That is to say the soume of foure hundereth sex pundis
pait ... to Adame Fullertoun, merchand of Edinburgh, at
the quenis majesties command, for certane merchandice
and ornamentis brocht hame to hir hienes be the said
Adame furth of Flanderis, as hir hienes precept direct
thairupoun, with the said Adames acquittance, schawin
and producit upoun compt, proportis, £406.
And . . . delyverit ... to George Monro of Dalcarty at the
quenis grace command and gevin be him to certane capi-
tanes of the hieland men quhilkis convoyit hir hienes fra
1 These entries are printed in full in Maitland Club, Miscellany, I. i. 30-31.

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