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And of the soume of ane hundereth thretty thre pundis sex
schillingis aucht penneis pait be the comptare to Williame
Stewart, translater of the werkis and bukis as is thocht
necessar be the kirk to be translated for edificatioun of the
people, conforme to the appointment of the said buke of
modificatioun, £133, 6s. 8d.
And of ane hundereth pundis pait be the comptare to
Johnne Gray, clerk to the saidis superintendis [sic\ and
ministeris, kepare and writare of thair register buke of the
modificatioun of thair stipendis and extractaris of the same,
according to the appointment of the said buke, as his
acquittance, schawin and producit upon compt, beris,
And of the soume . . . pait be the comptare to the laird of
Dwn, superintendent, for the prices of five chalderis quheit,
ten chalderis heir and thre hundereth thretty thre pundis
sex schillingis aucht penneis modefiit for his stipend . . .,
£765, 6s. 8d.
And . . . for the ministeris stipendis of Galstoune, Symoun-
toun and Barnweill, pertening to the ministerie of Fail-
furde, . . . £130.
And . . . for the ministeris stipendis of the kirkis of Tulli-
boill, Crummy, Torriburne, Tullibody and Culross, per¬
tening to the abbay of Culross, . . . £485, 4s. 10^d.
Summ of this defance [sic] of the ministeris,
£18,432, 13s. 2|d.
Swa YIT RESTIS £30,338, 10s. 7fd.
[Thirds uplifted before the compter’s entry
And of the foirsaid soume . . . yit restand the soumes eftir
following aucht to be defeased and dischargit to the
comptare, that is to say . . . the thrid of the money of the
archibischoiprik of Sanctandrois ... be reasone that my
lord of Arrane and his factouris had lifted and intromettit

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