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(138) Page 89 -
And of thre pundis fivetene schillingis twa pairt penny for
the thrid of the vicarage of Northberweik, gevin and dis-
ponit be cure soverane lady, togidder with the small teindis
thairof, to Maister Alexander Wod, in compensatioun of
his ordinare charges quhilk he had as vicare pensionare
thairof in the place of befoir for the yeir compted and in
tyme cuming quhill forder ordoure, ... £3, 15s. fd.
And . . . the thrid of the prebendarie of Pettoikis, remitted
... to Maister Patrik Cokburne, prebendare thairof, for
the yeir compted and yeirlie in tyme cuming quhill forder
ordoure ... £27, 15s. 6d.
And . . . the thrid of the money of the nonerie of the Scenis
of the yeir compted, remitted ... to the priores thairof . . .
£73, 2s. 2fd.
And . . . the thrid of the kirk of Abirgardin, . . . the thrid
of the kirk of Glenmuik, . . . the thrid of the kirk of Slanys
and . . . the thrid of the kirk of Abirluthnett, all pertening
to the college of Abirdene, . . . remitted ... to the said
college for the yeir compted . . . £122.
And . . . the thriddis of the personage and vicarage of
Furvy, remitted ... to Maister Johnne Stevinsoun, persone
thairof, in respect that he is ane auld blynd man, . . .
£6, 13s. 4d.
And . . . the thrid of Maister Johnne Davidsonis pensioun
of fourty pundis quhilk he hes yeirlie out of the personage of
Kinkell, the comptare being charged with the haill person¬
age, becaus the thrid of the said pensioun is remitted . . .
to the said Maister Johnne as principall of the pedagoge
of Glasgow, conforme to the ordour tane be hir majestic
with the remanent collegeis, extending to £13, 6s. 8d.
And . . . the twa pairt of twenty markis of pensioun per¬
tening of aid to Mr. Alexander Raa, quhairof he is lyikwyis
provydit of aid in the court of Rome, yeirlie to be uplifted
of the fruictis of the kirk of Cortoquhy, quhilk is a commoun
kirk of Brechine and becumin halelie in oure soverane

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