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their people to injure the said Nicholas or any other
merchants coming to Scotland, under pain of his royal
displeasure, compensation for loss (restitutionis damni),
and satisfaction of the injured parties. Datum sub signeto
nostro secretiore.1
328. James IV to Louis XII, [Autumn 1510] or 1507.
N.L. 198 ; b.m. 139 ; r. 117 ; brodie, 583 places
September 1510.
A wet summer has played havoc with the crops in
Scotland or made them exceptionally thin. Such corn as
has grain is so diseased that the present year promises to
be one of extreme dearth of bread unless supplies can be
imported. James therefore applies to Louis as kinsman
and traditional ally for written permission to George
Halkerstoun to purchase two hundred bushels (modios) of
wheat meal in France and assist James in the circumstances.
329. George, Abbot of Arbroath, to Puteolanus, Secretary to
the Cardinal of St. Mark, Edinburgh, October 4, [1510].
n.l. 278 ; b.m. 113 ; brodie, 588.
The abbot had, on August 31, the secretary’s letters
given at Rome on August 10 and learned the difficulties
regarding his promotion,2 particularly in obtaining the
episcopal habit. The secretary is not confident, as such a
grant is unusual, but strenuous efforts and an open purse
may procure the rochet (rochetum vero cum summo labore et
patula insuper bursa exorare spes est). The abbot believed
that the business would be entrusted to the Cardinal and
was being solicited according to the King’s second com¬
munication now sent. If he is not allowed to change his
habit, he must accept the rochet with the monastic colour
(cum monachali colore) as Thomas will inform him.
1 Calendared also under No. 487.
2 George Hepburn was nominated for the bishopric of the Isles on
June 21, 1510. H.

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