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the contents of which were indicated in the last Annual Report. This
volume will be issued in the course of 1965 and will include a frontispiece
portrait of the late Dr E. W. M. Balfour-Melville and a memoir of him by
Professor D. B. Horn.
Three further volumes are now in preparation. The Rev. Charles Bums,
Scriptor of the Vatican Archives, is editing Letters of Popes Clement VII and
Benedict XIII relating to Scotland, 1378-1418, which contain valuable materials,
omitted from the officially published Calendar of Papal Registers, for the
period of the Schism when Scotland adhered to the Avignon popes. A
group of Letters of fohn Ramsay of Ochtertyre, 1799-1812, is being edited by
Miss B. L. H. Horn. Ramsay is already known from his papers edited in
Scotland and Scotsmen in the 18 th century as a shrewd observer of contemporary
society and these letters contain a fund of vivid comments and entertaining
anecdotes on the fashions, personalities and poUtics of his day. Mr R. J.
Adam and Mr A. V. Cole are editing Papers on Sutherland Estate Policy, 1800-
1820, which will reveal many aspects of the administration of this important
estate and will provide new evidence on the controversial subject of the
Clearances. Including the other volumes already announced, eight volumes
altogether are now in active preparation for the Society.
The Council wishes to record with gratitude that a legacy of flSO was
bequeathed to the Society by Dr E. W. M. Balfour-Melville, its late
President. The Council has decided to leave the office of President unfilled
for the present.
Professor Gordon Donaldson has now decided to give up office as Joint
Secretary on account of pressure of other work. The Council has appointed
Dr Ian B. Cowan to be Joint Secretary along with Mr Grant G. Simpson.
Mr Simpson will be responsible for publications and Dr Cowan for general
administration and correspondence.
The Council has decided to raise the price of back volumes from J~i is.
to £1 10s.
Members of Council who retire in rotation at this time are Mrs M. O.
Anderson, Professor G. W. S. Barrow and Dr A. R. B. Haldane. The
following will be proposed to the Annual Meeting for election to the
Council—Mr M. R. Apted, Dr William Ferguson, Mr R. W. Munro.
During the past year 11 members have died, 5 have resigned, and 8 have
been removed from the list for non-payment of subscriptions; 3$ new
members have joined. The membership, including 184 libraries, is now
An abstract of the Accounts, as audited, is appended.

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