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Summa 44 Dokatis 1 r
This cownt fet the 6 of [September del] October
Jhone Wallit with may hand
Rest awand him of the monnay y gat to inplloy 2 Dokatis half.
[Endorsed] This is the tuay cowntis and heill war of monnay that y
hawe resawit senss y came owt of Skotland to this day. y will prowe
honnest the inployment thairof.
Letter, 10 June 1602, from ‘St Awall’ [Aviles] to John Finlayson,
making a first and detailed complaint, voyage by voyage, against
William Lindsay, master of the ship.
Sir, efter may hertllay comandaceione and serweis, this to lat yow
onderstand that Willyem Llendsay hais done me mest wrangfollay
and malleiseiousllaye agenis yow and the heill awneris. For first in the
Ayill of Weicht he remaynneit allane do wing his awne besseines and
med a cowllor that it was the schipis beseinis and thayr he towk sewin
schillein sex penes of the schipis for expensis. Neixt quhane we came
to Lleisbome he Hot me bring the collis aschoir and wak thaim neicht
and day and newer weiseit thayme till thay war dellaywerit and then
he resawit the monnay and thair af the first end of the coll selder he gif
the compannay so meikell for thayr frawcht of portag and had tar,
quhayt and Suadein bords of his awne that sould hawe payit the com-
pannayis foyrrein. Now sir we being frawchttit to the Newfondlland
he send haim with Gorg Llogane of Lleith ane hownder pestollitis to
his wayf. Thane it came that he grantit to llend ane hownder and
fowrtei crownis to the mayrschand and that he begowd rakein owp
ane selder quhissell that the mayrschand hid promeist him or the
scheip sowld go to the sei and some dray fisch that he gif the mayr¬
schand to wettell the schip withall. And y gif the hell monney that y
sowld hawe send yow for the proffeit was go wd gif we haid gottein it
quhilk was fowrttei of the hownder. Now at last we came from New¬
fondlland and thair becaws the schip was with [rectius nocht] lledein
the mayrschand wald hawe gifin sewin hownder and feiftei crownis
accordein to the frawcht and gif Jhone Ramsay caysseione for the llent
monnay and the proffeit. Sua he haid Jhone Ramsay cayseione for the
tua hownder crownis ten rayels for the crowne, thane went to Haw

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