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Item gevin the samyn daye at the kingis graice command to Gylliame,
xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to ane servand of the 1. Yesteris that brocht
xii pertrickis1 to the kingis graice, vi s.
Item gevin to Sawle the samyn daye that kepis the kingis graice hare
doggis and payt for all thyngis bigane to the viii daye of Merche,
iiii lib. ii s.
Item the samyn gevin to Snawdoun and payt to hym for all thyngis
bigane to the xxx daye of Merche for the kingis gracis rychis, viii
lib. viii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to Badman that fyndis the sytand harys to
the kingis graice, xliiii s.
Item gevin to Mckesone the samyn daye to pas to Sanctandrois erandis
of the kingis graicis, viii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to the kingis graice to playe at the cartis
wyth the queyne and tynt, x s.
Item gevin the secund daye of Aprile in Stervlyng to Malcome Toche
at the kingis graice [command]2 and his gracis departin to Falkland,
Item gevin the samyn daye to Murdo Mckenye3 at the kingis graice
command, xxii s.
Item gevin to men that brocht ane bote and nettis to the loicht of
Stervling at the kingis command, xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to Sande Kempe at the kingis graice com¬
mand to pas to Edinburght to Doctor Archbutnot, xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye at the kingis gracis command to the pagis,
xxii s.
Summa lateris xxxii li. x s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to Purwes smyth of Stervlyng that mayd
ane cheynye at the kingis graice command of yme to leyd Bawte
the doge4 in, xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye at the kingis graice command to young
Jhone Lesly,5 xliiii s.
1 Partridges. 2 Omitted in ms.
3 Groom in the King’s Chamber (ER, xvii, 280; TA, vii, 332).
4 See above, p. 21, n. 2.
6 Probably son of the fourth earl of Rothes. ‘Young’ would distinguish him from an
uncle of the same name. (T/l,vii, 204,275,315; SP,vii, 280, 290.)

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