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Item gevin to Barrone falconar the samyn daye at the kingis graice
command, xi s.
[Item] the samyn daye send with maister Williame... Lynlythqw to
the kingis graice quhilk was... grant,1 iic lib.
[Summa lateris iiclxviii] li. xiii s. iiii d.
ltern gevin the samyn daye at the kingis graice command to Duncane
Dawsone,2 v lib. x s.
Item gevin to Sawle the vii daye of Merche that kepis the kingis
graice hare doggis and payt for all thyngis bigane to the viii daye of
the samyn monetht, iii lib.
Item gevin the samyn daye to Mckesoun3 that come fra Lynlythqw
fra the kingis graice to Edinburght erandys, iii s.
Item the samyn daye at the kingis graice command to Badman that
fyndis harys to the kingis, xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye to the fischar of Loichlevin that brocht
fresche fischis to Lynlythqw to the kingis graice, xxii s.
Item gevin the samyn daye at the kingis graice command to Stewart
fischar, xiiii s.
Item gevin to Purwes cutlare for tua chapis to quhynyearis4 of sylver
to the kingis graice, xxii s.
Item payt to Snawdoun5 for the kyngis gracis rechis for all thyngis
bigane to the xiiii daye of Marche comptand for xv days, viii lib.
Item gevin to Hobe Ormestoun the xiiii daye of Marche at the kingis
graice command, xliiii s.
Item gevin the xv daye of Marche to Wille Bell in Stervling for ballis
tynt in his cachepeill6 be the kingis graice...
Item the samyn daye given for spur [sylver]7 the kingis graice beand
in the chapell of [Sterv]lyng at hys gracis command...
Summa lateris xxv....
1 This entry appears to relate to the ,£200 paid to the pursemaster by John and Patrick
Grant on 5 March.
2 Duncan Dawson was the King’s Master Collier for over 50 years, under James in,
James iv and James v {Acts of Lords of Council in Public Affairs, ed. R. K. Hannay
(1932), 419, 470). 3 Lackey (TA, vii, 296). 4 Metal tips for daggers or short swords.
6 Geordie Snawdoun kept the King’s raches, dogs hunting by scent.
6 Cachpule, a court in which the game of hand tennis was played.
7 A fine exacted by choristers from those entering church wearing spurs during divine
service {TA,i, p. ccxxxiv).

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