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October instant and thaireftir to proceid summarlie according to
the ordur and to report the samin to the nixt sessioun.
Mr Alexander Chisholme: The quhilk day Mr Alexander Chis-
holme, minister at Muthill, exponit and declairit to the brethrein
that Archibald Ogilvie of Lawtoun, his fathir in law, was departit
furth of this lyf and thairfor his aigit mothur hade desyrit him to
dwell in hous with hir famelie and do the part of ane faythfull and
obedient sone to hir, quhilk of his dewatty he could nocht gudelie
refuse, yit becaus hir dwelling hous is mair neir to Perthe nor this
brugh desyris lycence of the brethrein that he may resort and keip
exerceis with the brethrein of the presbytery of Perthe in tymis
cuming imespect of his maist neir dwelling thairto, as said is. The
brethrein, being advysit with the said Mr Alexander desyr, grantis
lycence to him to resort to the exerceis of the presbytery of Perthe
only quhill the nixt provincial! assemblie of this province, provyd-
ing alwayis that him self and his flock be in the mentyme subject
to the disceplein of this presbytery.
Auldy: The quhilk day compeirit Patrik Crichtoun of Strathurd
and producit befoir the brethrein in name of Elezabeth Crichtoun,
lady Auldy, ane bill gevin in to the last generall assemblie of the
kirk with ane ordinance of the samin on the bak thairof desyrand
the brethrein of this presbytery to call befoir thame the laird of
Auldy, husband to the said Elezabeth, and to admoneis him to do
his dewatty to ane man chyld quhairof his said spous was delyvir
in the moneth of Junij last and in speciall to caus bapteis him as
becumis ane Christiane man to do to his awin chyld or ellis to
schaw ane ressonablle caus quhy, as at mair lynth is conteinit in the
said bill. With the quhilk, the brethrein being advysit fmdis that
the said laird of Auldy dwellis presentlie within the boundis of this
presbytery and siclyk ar [is, deleted] willein to obey the said
ordinance, thairfor ordanis the said laird of Auldy, callit Andro
Merser [of] Miclour, to be summond litteratorie to compeir befoir
thame to heir and se him self decemit to present the said mane
chyld to be baptezit as his awin lauchfull sone or ellis to allege ane
ressonabill caus quhy the samin sould nocht be done undir the paine
of disobedience.
James Blacwod: The quhilk day being assignit to James Blacwod,
brothir to Sir William Blacwod, excommunicat, to report quhat he

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