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se the jugementis of the brethrein of the said assemblie pronuncit
anent the suspensioun of the said Patrik Layng fra all functioun in
the kirk and his contravening of the same, his takin of silver oft and
dyvirs tymis for compleiting of mariagis and his disobedience to
this presbytery in passing fra the sessioun thairof the maist dis-
obedientlie eftir he was chairgit to remane and to heir and se thair
auctoritie interponit to the brethreinis proceidingis thairintill undir
the paine of excommunicatioun, with certificatioun and he failze
the brethir of the said assemblie will proceid againis him according
to the Word of God and disciplein of the kirk, havand the warrand
thairof thairin.
Johnne Broun: The quhilk day being assignit to the brethrein in
Striviling to report thair jugementis to the remanent brethrein of
the presbytery thairof on the declamatiounis and vers producit be
Johnne Broun on the thesis gevin to him, reportit that thai jugit be
the said productionis and privie confirence hade be the maistir of
the grammir scholl of Striviling with the said Johnne that he was
instructit ressonablle weill in the grundis of the Latein grammir and
was ablle to teiche and proffeit the youthe thairin and that he was
(as appeirit to thame) of gude inclinatioun and abilitie to proffeit
him self and of a gude will daylie mair and mair to incres in the
knawlege of his professioun. The said Johnne Broun compeirand
personallie, the haill brethir present eftir deliberat advysment
admittis him to teiche Latein grammir at the kirk of Strogayth
quhair he is presentlie or in ony uthir plaice quhair he may proffeit
the kirk of God in teiching of the youthe.
At Striviling the xiij day of August, 1583
Presentes: Mr William Stirling, James Andirsone, Patrik Gillaspie,
Mr Andro Yung, Robert Mentayth, Mr Adame Merschell and Mr
Johnne Campbell, ministeris; William Stirling, reder; Mr James
Pontt, elder; and Mr Alexander lule, ane brothur of exerceis.
Patrik Layng: The quhilk day Robert Mentayth, minister of
Alvayth, beand inquyrit be the moderatour gif he hade made inti-
matioun at the kirk of Clakmannan of Patrik Layngis suspentioun
according to ane ordinance made in the last sessioun or nocht, the
said Robert ansorit that he, upone Sonday the xj day of August

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