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successouris handis and obtine lauchfull stait and seising of the samyn
and thar pertinentes with all and sundry wthir fredomes com-
moditeis asiamentis maillis profittis quhatsumever pertinend or
that ma be known to pertaine thirto With power to the said
Johne his airis and assignais to intromitt and uptak the knowne
malis and wther dwiteis of the samyne And to poynd and dis-
trenzhe thirfor gif neid beis And to occupay the samyn with thir
awin proper guids or to set ye samyn to tenentis as thai sail think
maist expedient Induring all the tym of the said nonentre Payand
to Ws and our successouris four pounds zeirlie of few maliz with
wther dewiteis and dew seruice aucht and wont. In witness of the
quhilk thing we haif affixit our seill of office togidder with our
handwrett At Edinburgh the twenty ffyfe day of november the
zeir of god ane thousand fiffe hundrath thretty and ffife zers afor
thir witnes Andro Lindsay thomas Win William polwort nicholl
dundas and Sir Johne Maknakill notar public with atheris diwerss.
W lord sanctiohnis
Quin to februarij 1584 Product’ per Magistrum Johannem Leirmont
procuratorem domine Swyntoun®
description: Parchment, 26,icm. at top, 25‘5cm. at foot, x
22-8cm. at l.h. edge, 21’icm. at r.h. edge, folded at foot to a
depth of 2-6cm., slit for tag; tag, i-8cm. wide, survives, without
trace of seal remaining.
source: sro, GD 12/111
textual notes: a. added in a different hand. Another word
following Swyntoun, followed by a decorative paraph, is now lost
inside the folding.
comments: The rental of 1539-40 gives the value of the temple-
land of Whitsome as I2d; the feu-mail specified in this document
is considerably higher. See p.16 above. The endorsement attests
that the lady of Swinton produced this charter as evidence of her
continuing right in the property in 1584.
Notification of William Lindsay of Pietston and Andrew Lindsay,
brother of the Lord St Johns, judges in a dispute between the

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