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were women who had the right to brew outside their own house¬
hold requirements.
Notarial Instrument narrating that in a full court held by brother
Henry de Livingston, knight and preceptor of the Order of St John
of Jerusalem in Scotland, compeared Malcolm de Levenax, Gilbert
Napare, Duncan M'Kynar, Matthew Maxwale, Donald Patonsoun,
Duncan M'aulay, Donald de Spytale, Donald de Levenax, Donald
Thomson, John Thormondson, Maurice Blare, John Ewenson,
Robert Buchanane, John M'Moriche, John Borowman, and
Malcolm M‘Cleriche, and found that the hospital of Letter ought
to have of old custom in the pasture of the town of Letter twelve
stmmae of cattle, a mare and a goose and her brood, and ought still
to have the same. Done at a full temple-court held on the temple-
tenement next to Buchanan Castle (Buchanan) by brother Henry
de Livingston at 11 a.m. on 27 July 1461
in dei nomine amen.® Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum
Cunctis pateat euidenter quod Anno ab Incarnacione dominj
millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo primo mensis uero Julij
die vicesima septima Jndiccione nona Pontificatus Sanctissimj in
Christo patris ac domini nostri dominj Pij diuina prouidencia papa
secundi anno tercio // Jn Venerabilis et religiosi viri fratris henrici
de leuyngston militis preceptorisque ordinis beati Johannis Jeroso-
limitanj infra regnum Scocie vbilibet constituti mejque notarij
publici et testium subscriptorum presencia compertum est in plena
curia per prefatum fratrem henricum preceptorem tenta per
inquisicionem in dicta curia factam per istos subscriptos viros
videlicet Malcolmum de levenax gylbertum napa[r’]6 Duncanum
mcKynar / matheum maxwale / Donaldum Patonsoun / duncanum
mcaulay / Donaldum de Spytale / Donaldum de levenax. Donaldum
Thomsoun . Johannem Thormondsoun / Moricium blar’ / Johan-
nem Ewinsoun / Robertum buchanane / Johannem mcmoriche /
Johannem borowman . et malcolmum mccleriche quod hospitale
de lettir debet de Jure habere et ex antiqua consuetudine in pastura
terrarum ville de lettir duodecim summas bestiarum necnon equam

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