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Temple Dinsley on St Barnabas’ day (n June) to Christian de
Insula of Perth four perticates on the inch of Perth, lying on the
west of the lands of the late Simon de Lenna, which lands the
Templars hold by gift of Earl David; to be held whole and quit for
an annual rent of 2s. 8d., half at Michaelmas and half at Easter, and
a payment of 2 silver marks on his or his heirs’ death. Temple
Dinsley, 1278 x 1290.
Omnibus christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris vel audituris .
fra ter Robertus de Turuil milicie templi in Anglia magister humilis
salutem in domino . Noueritis nos de communi consilio et assensu
capituli nostri in festo sancti Bamabe apud Dynes!’ concessisse et
hac carta nostra confirmasse Cristino de Insula de Perth quatuor
perticatas terre in insula de Perth simul iacentes ex parte occidentali
terre quondam Simonis de Lenna . Quas quidem perticatas habemus
de dono Comitis Dauid fratris illustris Regis Willelmi . Habend’ et
tenend’ sibi et heredibus suis integre et quiete . Reddendo inde
Annuatim domui nostre duos solidos et octo denarios argenti ad
duos terminos Anni videlicet medietatem ad festum sancti michaelis
. et medietatem ad Pascham . Saluis eciam nobis in obitu suo et
heredum suorum duabus marcis Argenti . In cuius rei testimonium
huic scripto sigillum commune capituli nostri est appensum . Hiis
testibus . fratre Thoma de Bray . et fratre Willelmo de mere
capellanis . fratre Thoma de La ferme . fratre Thoma de Tulus’ .
fratre Henrico de Emory . fratre Roberto Le squoi . fratre Roberto
de Bonigton’ . fratre Rogero de Akiny tunc preceptore Scocie et
endorsed: Carta Cristini de Insula de Perth
description: Original. Parchment, 22-2cm. x 8cm., folded to a
depth of i-2cm., split for seal-tag. Tag, icm. wide bearing a com¬
plete round seal in green wax depicting the lamb of God; legible
are the words sigiixum.templi.
source: sro, GD 160/112/4 (Formerly Drummond Castle
Muniments, bundle 1, number 6)
comments: Brother Roger de Akiny is not otherwise recorded as
preceptor of the Temple in Scotland. He must have been preceptor

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