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Item badlormy of meile iiij
bollis and for his beir he pais
ane certan of fowlis
Item Cantiscragis of meile vj
firlots of beir ij firlots
Item Gaitmor of meile iij bollis
ij firlots of beir ij firlots
Item this toun pais tua geiss
agan zowill
Item craginnwy of meile iij
bollis of beir j boll
Item Vuer hilhouse of meile iij
bollis of beir j boll
Item Nethir hilhouss of meile
iij bollis of beir j boll
Item Androis zardis of meile vj
firlots of beir Ij firlots
Item cragingalle of meile iij
bollis of beir j boll
Item ouerweitakyr of meile ij
bollis of beir ij firlots
Item Nethirweitakyr of meile ij
bollis of beir ij firlots
Item the mukraw with the
Summa of meile v chalderis
Summa of beir6 xxj bollis iij
pendiculis of meile vj bollis of
beir ij bollis
Item Blakfald of meile j boll of
beir ij firlots
Item Wedow Millar of meile j
firlot of and for the beir vther
ij partis of meile®
Item the first steid of the
Straitht of meile iij bollis and
of beir i boll
Item Wauchis steid of meile iij
bollis of beir j boll
Item Johne Fleming of meile iij
bollis j firlot and of beir iij
Item Wedow Gunnyngam of
meile® iij bollis j firlot of beir
iij firlots
Item Wedow Willamsonis of
meile ij firlots
Item Lugy bray of meile v
firlots of beir j firlot
Item brus of Kylmanheid of
meile j firlot
ij bollis iij firlots
firlots ij partis0
Terre et baronia de Thankertoun iacentes infra
vicecomitatum de Lanark
Imprimis the landis of Wodhale set in assedatioun to Thomas
Hammiltoun at this tym payand therfor of maile iiij merkis with
vther dewiteis and do serwice aucht and wont Item the laif of thai
landis set in assedatioun to vther tennentis as followis [blank]11
Item the miln of thankertoun wes wont to pay ane chalder of meile
and now set to Thomas Hammiltoun for viij lib’ siluer
Item the hail barony pais zerlie of caponis • - xviij And ilk thre zeds

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