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JOHN I449-I493
will be found at the beginning of app. C under the surname de
Insulis, etc.
Charter of confirmation by John, lord of the Isles and baron of
Kingedward, of a charter granted by the late William Gumm¬
ing of Culter to his son William, keeper of the king’s keys, of the
house and lands of Inverallochy with loch and fishings and the
forter of1 Innerury ’ in the barony of Kingedward, sheriffdom of
Aberdeen, dated 10 April 1483; and also a grant by the late
William Gumming to Thomas his son of half the lands of
Kindrochit and Adziel in the barony of Kingedward, sheriff¬
dom of Aberdeen. Islay, 10 July i486.
Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris Johannes de Ila
dominus Insularum ac baro baronie de Kynedward salutem in
Domino sempiternam. Sciatis nos inspexisse quamdam cartam
quondam Willelmi Cummyng de Cultir ac domini terrarum de
Innerelloghy factam et concessam dilecto nostro Willelmo
Cummyng clavigero supremi domini nostri regis filio died
quondam Willelmi de domo ac de omnibus et singulis terris suis
de Inneralloghy cum lacu dictam domum continentem et
piscariis eiusdem ac lie fortere de Innerury cum pertinenciis
jacentibus in baronia nostra de Kynnedward infra vicecomi-
tatum de Abirdene per nos et de nostra mandate visam lectam
inspectam et deligenter examinatam sanam integram non rasam
non cancellatam nec in aliqua sui parte suspectam sed omni
prorsus vicio et suspicione carentem ad plenum intellexisse sub
hac forma. Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris Wil-
lelmus Cuming de Cultir ac dominus terrarum de Innerelloghy
cum pertinenciis eternam in Domino salutem. Noveritis me
filial! affecdone et dilectione matura avisacione prehabita mili¬
tate mea et plurium amicorum que meorum in hac parte
undique previsa et diligenter considerata dedisse concessisse et
hac presenti carta mea confirmasse carissimo filio meo Willelmo
Cumyng clavigero suppremi domini nostri regis domum ac
omnes et singulas terras meas de Innerelloghy cum lacu dictam

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