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O Populi furor ! O Procerum male sana libido !
O secli impietas ! O degener Anglia diris
Cladibus exposita, et civilibus obruta bellis !
In ferrum flammasque ruunt tria regna stupendis
.Motibus, insanis Mavors nunc ardet in armis
Improbus. O quantos potuit suadere furores
Relligio ! Patriaeque graves inferre ruinas.
Quis furor iste sacer ? rabies quae tanta nocendi
Sternere praecipitem sublimi a culmine Regem,
Atque iterum patrios foedare in pulvere fasces !
Jam Proceres, primique Duces, ipsique Tribuni
Militiae, infausti pubesque ignava Gradivi
Regis in exitium, et Patriae irreparabile damnum
Conspirant, multumque animis discordibus ardent;
Irarum ingentes volvuntque in pectore fluctus,
Et furit insano belli civilis amore;
Atque agitur saevi Martis male sana juventus
Consiliis, rapiturque levi vertigine vulgus,
Convocat armatos et ad impia signa maniplos.
Hos inter belli strepitus gliscente tumultu,
Regina Italidum decus ingens matronarum,
In Tyriis enixa toris feliciter almum
Haeredem Regnis peperit formosa Britannis.
Ilia uteri felix, et fortunata laborum
Reddidit insigni felicem prole maritum.
Ante alias et laeta nurus quas Romula tellus
Dives alit, magnum magni patris incrementum
madness of the people ! Oh mad lust of the nobles ! Oh impiety
of the age ! three kingdoms rush to fire and sword, and impious
Mars glows in wild fury. Nobles, leading Generals, and officers of
lower rank, and the vile mercenaries, conspire to defile the sceptre
in the mire, to destroy the King, and bring irreparable ruin on
their country. In armed bands the common people assemble
under impious standards.
Amid the sounds of gathering tumult the beautiful Queen—the
great ornament of Italian matrons—in the purple of the throne
happily bore the sweet heir of the British realms. Happy in
her womb, and fortunate in labour, she made glad her husband
with an illustrious offspring, and rich beyond other women of her
country, she, a joyous mother, brought forth this support to his

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