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JUN E, 18`3 .
oPnNci .
«'HIG JoBtI)ING --Prt U.�"1"S I'ROFi
It is an old saying that an h►.rn.,
ry l!i'ra
a bites severely,"
unit the conduct of the WIiirs since they= got into office
abundantly exemplifies this. Not an (
Beall{,g which existed
could be made, but they have filled up
their creatures:
in all nation,il concerns, .and in others •of the most sub;►
character, Excise Officers, c►.tstorn-house hingers on, and all
the maehine_ry of the treasury department, clown to the very
pct e►nptiers of the local hoards, have been filled by liberals
or their fr
scurs. In our good town we can quote cases,
<: Mr John. Qhapw
wright, the man rvot returns all
Town Councillors, Police Commissicirrers, and the City Mem-
ber himself--in short a perfect O'Connell on a small scale—
here his son, Rol.ert, a nice
lad, it is said has got
through our pure M'.R, a custom-house officership, while
many a one with a practical knowledge of the duties of the
situation, has been passed over. We hope the young chap will
wot disgrace his patron. it is said he might have been very
'aseful to the member in a certain
vocati on, if
he had been at his back twenty years ago, but he has got
married now, and the
of this kind .like the Hon.
:Member himself is
of no wse.
But we need not refer to more
jibbing in this quarter at this time. as we have only room to
notice the absurdly ridiculous appointment of Master John
Blackie, Advocate,
Faust,"—a boy in common sense
a. very
child in talents, a ve y infant in the classics, a very
fool when labouring on the Circuit in his profession, and who
makes a fool of himself in every case he has a hand in ; here
is this
for we know not how to call him, has a
kofessorsbip rnade;up for him, gets a gown put over his back,
itistfml of a child's frock and pin=afore, with 1..300 a year and
, fees, .instead of a haw bee
gibbery !
a,iacl s+> eninly rata-
rol!ed a Member of the Senatui Acaclmicus of Marischal Col-
e .and U►:iversity ! ! 'fell it not in the school in Charlotte
`street, publish it not in the seminary in I?rinses Street, else the
the little boys and girls, and infants in swaddling .bands, in
these two institutions, will
petitioning her Most Uravisius
Majest v's Governo and guest, and go between, rrty Lord l4IeYI-
bourne., to -ive them appointments also. Professor John
Blackie of the Northern Circuit ! what a laugh Charles Neaves,
Sheriff Alison, and other chaps, who have gone this Circuit,
wilt have, whew they react this appointment ! Professor Jolin
Blackie ! Professor I'isie Grant, Professor Geordie Silver, Pro-
fe4or Hoastie Bain, Prolessor Sandy Bannerman, even,
a Pro-
fessor William Philip, even still further, every one of thein as
feasible for the office and under the honorable title, as Pro-
fessor John Blackie. What a scarecrow Professor he will be
--what nierry Andrewan's he will' make---what additional
dignity he will add to the Senatus. How well he, wily keep
up the solemnity of that body of which your Beatties, your
Campbells, and the most learned anal most venerable men of
the age have formed a part. Professor .John Blackie !
when school boys, and fools, and characters with light blue
kilts, darts blue jackets, napkinless and hatless, and regular
straw cliewers, are in after ages .appointed to fil the chairs in
Colleges, Professor John Blackie will be pointed
at by the dissatisfactory goner Aions to come as a specimen of
what reverend, grave, and solemn Professors existed in those
clays when there was a Queen in Isreal' Professor Johir,
Blackie I Hail queer m nikin' 1 All hail, lucky son of a;
whig father ! Good was it for thee that thy father lived by
fore thee, and that he attended at Broad hill radical meetings,
and acted as political pimp to our city member !
do follow him--he has accomplished the end of all 4i5 faith—
hie has palmed on the great n,atro;i a radical babe
to 1►sty
t,ti:;gs Rut. ;fit i� �i.s•:y..,, ('cjr �,3e ;:all c:o