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Distinguished Service Order.
MacConnell, Major Archibald Laird. Gaz. 28/12/17.
Military Cross.
MacDonald, 2nd Lieutenant (T. /Lieutenant) Alexander. Gaz. 28/12/17.
MacDonald, 2nd Lieutenant John. Gaz. 16/10/17.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in command of his
company in an attack after two of the company officers were killed.
Though the company had become somewhat disorganised, and the line on
both flanks retired under heavy fire, although suffering from a gunshot
wound in the back, he steadied the men and started to dig in where they
were, and to hold the ground gained.
M'Donald, 300032 C. Sergeant-Major John, D.C.M. lst/8th Battalion.
Gaz. 31/12/18.
M'Intvre, 2nd Lieutenant (T. /Captain) Alexander Cameron. (T.F.). Gaz.
Macintyre, 2nd Lieutenant Robert Cochran. Gaz. 14/12/17.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as the sole surviving
officer of his company during an attack. He was instrumental in the
capture of a strong point which had held up the company.
M'Kechnie, 2nd Lieutenant Ernest Alexander. 3rd Battalion. (Attached lst/6th
Battalion). Gaz. 16/5/16.
For conspicuous gallantry. When two mines were exploded, wrecking
the defences, he rescued, assisted by two privates, a N.C.O. after work-
ing for two hours under heavy shell, trench mortar, and rifle fire.
Distinguished Conduct Medal.
M'Alister, 300494 C.S.M. N. 2/8th Battalion. Attached 2nd Battalion.
(Campbeltown). Gaz. 14/1/19.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when the enemy counter-
attacked our newly-won position near Villers-Guislain on 23rd September,
1918. Collecting as many men as he could, he rushed the threatened
point, killing several of the enemy, but was forced to withdraw owing to
weight of numbers. He and an officer held on to a block, checking the
enemy by bombing, and he subsequently was the first in a counter-attack
which drove them out.
M'Donald, 300362 Sergeant E. (Kintyre). Gaz. 16/11/17.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his men for-
ward through a heavy barrage, and over most difficult ground, to rein-
force the front line, taking command of two platoons when the officer in
charge was killed. He went forward alone under fire to reconnoitre the
route, and then guided the platoons to their position in time to assist
in repelling an enemy counter-attack. He did excellent work later with a
party of snipers, and throughout set a splendid example of courage and
M'Donald, 300032 C.S.M. J. (Argyllshire). Gaz. 28/12/17.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his company
was held up by heavy machine gun fire, he displayed great courage and
coolness in organising scattered parties and leading them forward. His
disregard of danger and fine example were valuable at a very critical

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