Duncan Gray

Audio clip


Duncan Gray cam' here to woo,
Ha, ha, the wooing o't,
On blythe Yule nicht, when we were fou,
Ha, ha, the wooing o't;
Maggie cuist her head fu' heich,
Look'd asklant, and unco skeigh,
Gart puir Duncan stand abeigh -
Ha, ha, the wooing o't.

Duncan fleech'd, and Duncan pray'd,
Ha, ha, the wooing o't;
Meg was deaf as Ailsa Craig,
Ha, ha, the wooing o't.
Duncan sigh'd baith out and in,
Grat his een baith bleert and blin',
Spak' o' louping ower a linn —
Ha, ha, the wooing o't.

Recording from 'Pride and Passion' (REL Records), an album of songs by Robert Burns arranged by Ron Shaw. Reproduced with permission from Tim Fitzpatrick. See the credits page for further details.

CD cover


Travels and music