Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894 Robert Louis Stevenson composite image

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Thumbnail for 'Frontispiece 5 - Escapade'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Fiction > Serialisations > London, 1893 - David Balfour >

Frontispiece 5 - Escapade [78391469]

Artist: Gardner, Elizabeth Jane, 1837-1922

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - Silver Thames'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Fiction > Serialisations > London, 1893 - David Balfour >

Illustrated plate - Silver Thames [78393017]

Artist: Docknay, L.

Thumbnail for 'Frontispiece 4 - Star of Bethlehem'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Fiction > Serialisations > London, 1893 - David Balfour >

Frontispiece 4 - Star of Bethlehem [78391253]

Artist: Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, 1833-1898

Thumbnail for 'Frontispiece 6 - Suspense'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Fiction > Serialisations > London, 1893 - David Balfour >

Frontispiece 6 - Suspense [78391637]

Artist: Henley, Lionel Charles, 1843-approximately 1893

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - Advocates' Close'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1879 - Edinburgh >

Illustrated plate - Advocates' Close [99396387]

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - Distant view of Edinburgh'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1879 - Edinburgh >

Illustrated plate - Distant view of Edinburgh [99396843]

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - Greyfriars'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1879 - Edinburgh >

Illustrated plate - Greyfriars [99396555]

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - Prince's Street Gardens'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1879 - Edinburgh >

Illustrated plate - Prince's Street Gardens [99396651]

Thumbnail for 'Illustrated plate - View from Calton Hill'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1879 - Edinburgh >

Illustrated plate - View from Calton Hill [99396723]

Thumbnail for 'Frontispiece'

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Books > London, 1878 - Inland voyage >

Frontispiece [79805467]

Illustrator: Crane, Walter, 1845-1915

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