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Collected works > Edinburgh edition, 1894-98 - Works of Robert Louis Stevenson > Volume 20, 1896 - Travels and excursion, Volume III

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' You byby ! ' said Huish. * A fellow would think
(to 'ear him) we were on the square ! And look
'ere, you 've put this job up 'ansomely for me, 'aven't
you ? I'm to go on deck and steer while you two
sit and guzzle, and I 'm to go by a nickname, and
got to call you " sir " and "mister." Well, you look
here, my bloke : I '11 have fizz ad lib., or it won't
wash. I tell you that. And you know mighty
well, you ain't got any man-of-war to signal now.'
Davis was staggered. * I 'd give fifty dollars this
had never happened,' he said weakly.
* Well, it 'as 'appened, you see,' returned Huish.
— * Try some ; it 's devilish good.'
The Rubicon was crossed without another struggle.
The captain filled a mug and drank.
' I wish it was beer,' he said with a sigh. ' But
there 's no denying it 's the genuine stuff and cheap
at the money. Now, Huish, you clear out and take
your wheel.'
The little wretch had gained a point, and he was
gay. 'Ay, ay, sir,' said he, and left the others to
their meal.
' Pea-soup ! ' exclaimed the captain. * Blamed if I
thought I should taste pea-soup again ! '
Herrick sat inert and silent. It was impossible
after these months of hopeless want to smell the
rough, high-spiced sea victuals without lust, and his
mouth watered with desire of the champagne. It
was no less impossible to have assisted at the scene
between Huish and the captain, and not to perceive,
with sudden bluntness, the gulf where he had fallen.

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Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Collected works > Works of Robert Louis Stevenson > Travels and excursion, Volume III > (261) Page 243
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Volume 20, 1896 - Travels and excursion, Volume III
DescriptionSouth Sea yarns. "Being an account of experiences and observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the course of two cruises on the yacht "Casco" (1888) and the schooner "Equator" (1889)."
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Form / genre: Written and printed matter > Books
Dates / events: 1896 [Date published]
Places: Europe > United Kingdom > Scotland > Edinburgh > Edinburgh (inhabited place) [Place printed]
Subject / content: Description
Person / organisation: T. and A. Constable [Printer]
Edinburgh edition, 1894-98 - Works of Robert Louis Stevenson
DescriptionEdinburgh edition. Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable for Longmans Green and Co, 1894-98. [28 volumes in total, only some of which NLS has digitised.]
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Form / genre: Written and printed matter > Books
Dates / events: 1894-1898 [Date printed]
Places: Europe > United Kingdom > Scotland > Edinburgh > Edinburgh (inhabited place) [Place printed]
Subject / content: Collected works
Person / organisation: Chatto & Windus (Firm) [Distributor]
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Author]
T. and A. Constable [Printer]
Longmans, Green, and Co. [Publisher]
Colvin, Sidney, 1845-1927 [Editor]
Collected works
Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson
DescriptionFull text versions of early editions of works by Robert Louis Stevenson. Includes 'Kidnapped', 'The Master of Ballantrae' and other well-known novels, as well as 'Prince Otto', 'Dynamiter' and 'St Ives'. Also early British and American book editions, serialisations of novels in newspapers and literary magazines, and essays by Stevenson.
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Person / organisation: Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Author]
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