Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894 Robert Louis Stevenson composite image

Fiction > Serialisations > London, 1896-1897 - St. Ives

Volume 13

Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Fiction > Serialisations > St. Ives > Volume 13 > (1) Illustrated front cover
(1) Illustrated front cover
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Volume 13
DescriptionVolume XIII. September to December 1897.
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London, 1896-1897 - St. Ives
DescriptionBeing the adventures of a French prisoner in England. The first printed serial appearances of St Ives extracted from the Pall Mall Magazine, Volumes 10-13, 1896-1897. Includes the continuation by Arthur Quiller-Couch. The unfinished draft of St Ives, begun in 1893, featuring the adventures of a French prisoner-of-war in Napoleonic times following his escape from Edinburgh Castle, was completed by Arthur Quiller-Couch.
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Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson
DescriptionFull text versions of early editions of works by Robert Louis Stevenson. Includes 'Kidnapped', 'The Master of Ballantrae' and other well-known novels, as well as 'Prince Otto', 'Dynamiter' and 'St Ives'. Also early British and American book editions, serialisations of novels in newspapers and literary magazines, and essays by Stevenson.
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