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Non-Fiction > Uncollected essays > Volume 6, 1874 - Academy

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NOTES— continued.
Eibuwfiyeh's Arabic Grammar (
Sidereal day, variation in the length of the i
Silk-moth's e^gs, hatching of
Siltworai, diseases of the
Sirius and its companion, i
gkunk, the, bite of J
Snake poison, physiological action of .. <
Sobieski's shield, the star cluster in . . .. i
Solar prominences, photographs of . .
disk, the measurements of . . . . ]
spectrum, modification of, by rapid
balloon ascent <
photography '
Spider's nest, carious 1
Spinal cord, conduction of sensory impres-
sions in the * ■
SpiroffJ/ra prmceps, the threads of . . . . '
Spain, coal-fields of '
Sparrows, English, in America '.
Spectrum Analysis
Sporer, Prof., on sun spots <
Stars in the Southern hemisphere .. .. '
, division of, into three classes . . . . i
, specti'a of I
Stele, Egyptian, in Rennes Museum . . . .
Stellar spectra 7G, .
Stephatioscpphus mirabilis
NOTES — continued.
St. Helena, flora of 507
Stockhohn, archaeological congi'ess in . . 237
Stokes, ^Vhitley, on Curtius's Greek Etymo-
logy 302
St. Paul. French scientific commission to
the island of C71
Straw-roof sewing machine 19
Strophometer, the, description of . . . . Gi)3
Suffolk, geology of 385
Sun, state of the. ft'om 18G1 to 1867 . . . . 438
, temperature of the 4(12
, parallax of the 560
, spots 590
, whirlwinds, and cyclones, resemblance
between 615
and the earth, identity of fonnation of G40
, eclipse of the- (Oct. 10) 662
, phenomena seen during eclipses of the 663
Sweet, Mr., on the " thorn " of Anglo-
Saxon , 300
Tablet, biUngual from Nineveh 516
Tanganyika, Lake, Lt. Cameron's cruise on 664
Targum of the Prophets, M. Eacher on . . 615
Tasmania, Royal Society of 161
Taylor, Rev. I., on the Accadian and
Etruscan languages 328
Tertiary strata, the ., 131
NOTES— continued.
" Th." Anglo-Saxon and EngUsh . . . . 190
Thibaut, Dr. G., on Vedic Geometry . . 350
Thompson, Prof. J., on the Structure of
the Giant's Causeway 275
Tiddeman, Mr. R. H., on the Settle Vic-
toria Caves 244
Tongue, the, acinous glands of 189
Tranmeric irritation, effects of 463
Tul^erculose, transmissibility of. through
food 463
Tuberous rootstocks 567
Tufa, deposit of, near Moret . . . . 132, 614
Tunnel between England and Erance 17, 386
Turf beds of the Flemish coast 301
Universities Comnussion Report 437, 513, 659
University Reform, Mr. C. S. Parker's pro-
posals for 488
Uranus and Neptune, the satelht^ of . . 663
Vanicek's Latin Etymology 77
Vanilla from the sap of pine trees . . . . 515
Vascular and Respiratory Centres, the . . 104
Venus, transit of (expeditions), 19,48, 439, 496,
— . ■ , results of observations
639, 663
: : — , Sir George Airy on . . 664
Verb, the, inflexion of, in Latin . . . . 49
NOTES— con(m«<«f.
Victoria, Royal Society of 77
Viper, the, bite of ^^
Vogel, Dr ^6
, on the spectra of planets . . . . 439
VogiU Genesis, a J^J
Volck, Dr., on Semitic Philology . . • • ^"^
ro5 iiemaerde, mediaeval satire .. •• ^^
Washington Academy of Sciences . . • • JGl
Waterfalls, the tone of • Gl"
Watson. Dr. Forbes, on the estabUshment
of an Indian Institute 358
Weald, geology of the 614
" Wheelerite," a new fossil resin .. .. 13^
Whirlwinds, cyclones, and sun-spots, re-
semblance between ^]^
Willmanns' (Prof.) Latin Inscriptions . . 77
Wilson, Major, address of, at meting of the
British Association at Belfast . . • • *^;
Wind, registration of, on the coast . . ■ • 271
" With,*' the preposition, in classical Greek 48
Wood, phosphorescent ^J'\
, silicified, from Mansfield . . . . 615
Wurtz, M., on the progress of chemistry 491
Wyoming, N.- Western, exploration of . . 615
Teast, the action of ^^
ZeoUtic minerals near Buchholz . . • • 385
Zodiacal light, the •■ ••1^1
Allihn's (Max) Diner Studien 568
Andsley's (G. A.) Notes on Japanese Art . . 190
Brann's (H.) Die Bilduierke des Parthenon
tind des Theseion 463
Chappell's (W.) History of Music {Art and
Science) 302
Franz's (R.) Joh. Sebastian Bach's Passiojis-
7nusii: 692
Hamilton's (E.) Engraved Woris of Sir
Joshua Reynolds 162
Lochner's (G. W. K.) Albrecht DUret-'s
Briefe 20
Moody's (F. W.) Lectures and Lessons on
Art,. .. , ;. : 133
■ ; A Story of Ecclesiastical
Intolerance 133
Pichon's (L.) La Faience du Second Umpire 304
Pitti Palace, Masterpieces of the 665
Plon's (Eugdne) TJibru-aldsen, his Life and
Wurks .. ., 439
Pollen's (J. H.) Furniture and Woodwork
in South Keu:^! ' J// ' -< 79
Rheinberger's |J : 49
Rosenberg's (A. i , 568
Saulcy's (F.dej .\ ■■,,,(..■,,./' V ' .', /,( Tare
Sainte 105
Thausing's (M.) Diirer's Brie/e 20
Tyrwhitt's (Rev. R. St. J.) Art Teaching
of the Primitive Church 414
Allgem. Zeit., 32. 109, 620; Ann. dell' Inst.
Arch., 222 ; Arab. Zeit., 667 ; Art, 334 ;
Augsb. Zeit., 109, 667 ; Builder, 53, 136, 192,
304, 572; Bull, dell" Inst, di Corr. Arch.,
441, 571; Bull, de rUoion Centrale, 416;
Chroniqne, 53, 192, 223, 278, 334, 415, 416,
441, 494, 545, 620 ; Dubl. Even. Expr.,.222 ;
Diisseldorf Zeit., 442 ; Fort. Rev., 466 ; Gaz.
des BeaiLx-Arts, 82, 223, 250,305, 362,518,
596, 695 ; Gazz. Ufficiale, 22 ; Giorn. di
Treviso, 222 ; Graphic, 249 ; ItaUa, 249 ;
Joum. Off., 3-i5, 518, 620 ; Kbln. Zeit., 166 ;
La Libert^, 305; Le Temps, 165; Lev.
Herald, 24, 136, 494, 545 ; Mou. di Bolog.,
24; Monthly Mag. of Design, 163; Nation,
166,416; NenePreiePresse,466,596 ; Nuov.
Antolog., 24, 619 ; Pall Mall, 165 ; PortfoUo,
192, 306, 494, 667 ; Pr^curseiu:, 386 ; Preuss.
Jahrb., 362 ; Pnngolo di Napoh, 249 ;
Rappel, 334 ; Rev. Archaeol., 109, 571 ; Rev.
des deux Mondes, 304 ; Revista de Archivas,
361 ; Sat. Rev. 136 ; Scotsman, 620 ; Scribner,
■ 222 ; Tageblatt, 494 ; Turkistan Gaz., 249 ;
Union Centrale, 695 ; Unsere Zeit. 278 ;
Zeitsch. f. bild. Kunst, 82, 137, 250, 27S 387
442, 465, 518, 596.
Abbey of Mont St. Michel 166
Academy, Belgian, of Archaeology ,. .*. 136
, French, candidates for . . . . 136
, Munich 166
NOTEo— continued.
Academy, Vienna, decoration of . . . . 442
Adam, statue of, at Leipzig 494
Adonis, colossal statue of 571, 6i'7
AiUand. M 572
Alto-reliefs. Greek, photographs of . . ..618
"Angels" Heads," Sir Joshua's 108
Angelo, Michel, centenary celebration of
, autographic lettei's from 418
Antinous, statue of, found at Eleusis . . 571
Antiques, fabrication of 52
Arab art monuments 361
Archives at the Hotel de Ville, Antwerp 334
Ariosto, medal with portrait of 416
AiTuistead, Mr., bas-relief in the studio of 619
Armorial devices of the ancient Greeks . . 695
Armstrong, Mr., decorative paintings by 619
Art sales, 23, 63,136, 571, 594, 595, 618. 619,
643, 696
— , Gei-man, centralisation of, in Berlin 109
— -, spurious works of 165
— , objects of, in Peru and Chili , . . . 222
— , Flemish, at Dijon 305
— , execution of works of, in America . . 387
, gallery, national, at Melbourne . . . . 465
— club at Liverpool, etchings at . . . . 465
— , works of, for the city of Paris . . . . 494
— , Greek, in the Eimmerian Bosporos
Artemisia, statue of, in the British
Musenm , . . . . . 493
*• Assumption of the Vii'gin " of Rubens, . 109
Attila, triple saircophagus of 304
Augsburg gallery, photographs of pictures
in the 667
"Augiisteum," the, in Oldenburg .. .. 136
Baccano, mosaics found at ' . . , 249
Baudry, M. Paul 359
, exhibition of decorative
works of 545
BeautifiU, theories of the 192
Bedford (Mr. J. B.), appointment of, at
Queen's College 667
Bell's (Mr. J.) group " America " . . . . 361
Bernard, M. Jaques, pictures of 620
Bertai], M., sketches by 644
Bharhut, Gen. Cunningham's discoveries at 570
Birley, the church of, in Herefordshire . . 249
Bismarck, Prince, portrait of 361
Bloomsbury, female school of art in. . . . 545
Bodenmiiller's painting of the battle of
Worth 66S
Bolivar, statue of 441
Botticelli, Sandro, photographs of works of 415
Boucher, pictures by, discovered at Cha-
renton 494
Boulanger, Hippolite 166
Bramante, prints attributed to 305
Branchidae, marble head from 81
Breton. M. Jules 304
British artists, the Society of 616
Brmiswick onvx vase, the 108
nd inscriptions ..
it in BunhiQ Fields ..
the ancient temple at
NOTES— continued.
Bust, female, discovered at Herculanemn 387
Calderou, Mr., R.A 441
Cambodia, ancient, monuments of . . . . 304
Cambrian Archaeological Society .. .. 277
Cambridge Antiquarian Society . . 696, 644
Caiuion, ancient, discovered at Avesnes . . 387
Canoe, ancient, discovered in Kirkcud-
brightshire 620
Capocci, Eurisio, picture to be painted by 416
Carrick, Mr. Thomas 277
Cartoons by Schwind, SchnoiT, Kaulbach,
Sic 387
Cemeterv. ancient, discovered at Malta .. 416
Chapr'll.' i.-vuir.'. Irr.i.^.lerEtoile .. .. 223
Christ-' 334
Clihurcii i I ■iLrtonMontmai'tre 164
..'11 \.,iu Ml, iirar Rochester.. .. 192
Ceilings, Paris going mad about 305
Claux; the Flemish sculptor 305
Coinage of Syracuse 163
Coins,' Japanese and ClHiinese 223
, Hebrew, spurious 277
bf the Arabic dynasties in Spain . . 361
Collections of works of art 136
Cologne, tovtTi-hali at 362
'-- Cathedral, stained glass windows
at 494
Colours, fire-proof 305
Congi-ess of Itoy. Archaeol. Instit. at
Ripon 135
, Archaeological, at Kiew . . . . 137
'■ , at Stockholm . . 165
Conraeder's " Death of Emperor Joseph 11.
ofAustria" \. ..361
Cormack diapel, the, at Cashel 222
Corot testimonial fund, the 109
,M., the medal for 617
Costume, the history of 620
Cremation among the Etruscans . . . . 571
Cromwell, proposed statue to 53
Cunningham's (Maj.-Gen.) Buddhist dis-
coveries 134
Curtius, Prof., on ancient Greek armorial
devices 695
CiT^rus, antiquarian objects in .. .. 518,545
Daphnephonia. procession of the, picture
by Mr. Leighton 493
Barley, painted glass win lows for . . . . 192
Dedrenx-Dorcy, M 518
Delacroix, Eugene, in Englanl 592
Derby, Lord, statue of 53
DetaUle, Edward, the young painter . . .. 362
Diaz, painting on wood by 334
Dor6 gallery, the 191
Doublemard, the sculptor 278
Drawings, Van der WiUigen collection of 442
Dresden gallery, the 110
, photographs from works
in ■ 361
Dress, syniboUcal signification of .. .. 519
Dubois, M. Paul SOi
Dudley gallery, the (oil pictures) . . . . 492
" Dumbarton," Turner's plate of .. .. 165
Duraii; Cttfolus, exhibition of the works of
C20, 694
Dnrand, Sibion, Swiss painter .. .. .. 620
Diirer, Albert, engravings by 518
Diisseldorf Academy, rebuilding of . , . . 82
NOTES— continued.
Ellis, Mr. Edwin . . 334
Erasmus, portraits of 82
Etruscan paintings at Cervetri 22
art, ai'chaic, specimens of . . . . 441
Evreux, restoration of the cathedral of . . 695
Excavations at Hissarhk 24, 109
in Italy 24,571
atCividale 25
at Tyre 2
in Turkey, ordinance relating
to 193
atOlympia 221,387
at Stuhlweissenburg . . . . 416
Exhibition of reUgious art at Lille . . . . 50
at the Corps L^gislatif .. .. 51
of works of art in Madrid .... 53
of the works of Prud'hon.. .. 81
. Fine Art, at Ronen 165
of the Union Centrale des
Beaux- Arts 192, 571, 596
of S6vres, the Gobelins, and
Beanvais manufactures 222
of indnstrial art at Milan . . 223
of ancient costumes at Zaan-
dam 223
of Fine Arts applied to in-
dustry 247
of costumes at Paris 248' ]
of the Norwich school of land- " '
scape painters 249
, International, building of . . 249
, Fine Art, at Namnr 249
of works of Belgian sculptors 249
of modem Belgian paintings . . 249
, retrospective, of the Palais
Bourbon 250, 305;
of the Cercle Artistique et Lit- '^
t6raire at Brussels 278, 620
of the Birmingham Royal
Society of Artists 304
, Alsace-Lorraine 305
, International, lectui-es at .. 361
. ■ of enamel work at S. Kensing-
ton 362, 545
, International, in China . . . . 362
„ of new paintings at Berlin . . 362
of Fine Ai'ts at Naples . . . . 441
of oil and water-colour paint-
ings at Reading 441
, international, at Philadelphia 442
, Vienna Kunst-Vei-ein .. ..466
at Blois 494
, etching, at the Liverpool Art
Club 544
■ of the Society of French Artists
570, 594
, the Paul Baudrv 571
of Fine Art, at Clifton, Bristol 595
of art, at Edinbm-gh 596
Lf the Society of British Artists 616
of painters in water colours . . 641
of the "Society Artistica" at
of the painting of Carolus
Duran 69
of mar\'els of art in Paris, pro-
posed 696
Exhibitions, provincial 362

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Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Uncollected essays > Academy > (15) Page ix
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Volume 6, 1874 - Academy
DescriptionFrom the 'Academy', a monthly record of literature, learning, science and art. (London: John Murray, Vol. 1(1869)-5 ; vol. 17-87(1914)). Volume VI [6], July-December, 1874 contains reviews by Robert Louis Stevenson, pages 142-143, 173, 406-407, 602-603.
ShelfmarkX.231.b,c ([Vol. 2 (1870)-v. 9 (1876)]
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Form / genre: Written and printed matter > Periodicals
Dates / events: 1869 [Date published]
Places: Europe > United Kingdom > England > Greater London > London (inhabited place) [Place published]
Subject / content: Essays
Reviews (document genre)
Person / organisation: John Murray (Firm) [Publisher]
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Contributor]
Uncollected essays
DescriptionEssays and reviews from contemporary magazines and journals (some of which are republished in the collections). 'Will o' the Mill', from Volume 37 of the 'Cornhill Magazine', is a short story or fable.
Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson
DescriptionFull text versions of early editions of works by Robert Louis Stevenson. Includes 'Kidnapped', 'The Master of Ballantrae' and other well-known novels, as well as 'Prince Otto', 'Dynamiter' and 'St Ives'. Also early British and American book editions, serialisations of novels in newspapers and literary magazines, and essays by Stevenson.
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Person / organisation: Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Author]
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