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Non-Fiction > Uncollected essays > Volume 6, 1874 - Academy

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(13) Page vii -
Political Economy, the mathematical
theory of . . . .^ . . . . 558
Ponti, Sigrnor Girolamo, the will of . . . . 346
Ponton, Vizconde del, on the House of
Lords 482
Pope Leo X., nnprinted Latin letter to . . 293
Portraits and drawings in the Berlin and
Weimar collections 430
Potato Jubilee 558
Powell's (Major) discoveries in Colorado. . 654
Price, Professor Bouamy 262
Prince Consort, the, biography of . . . , 470
"Prisca versio," the, of the Nicene and
other canons 632
Prondhon's correspondence 583, 610
Proverbs, Chinese 345
Qnevedo y Tillegas, unpublished poem by 68
Qnicheraf s (M. J.) Histoi-y of Costume . . 611
Rabelais, Francois, and Thomas Amory . . 318
, conference on 454
Raleigh, curious poem respecting . . . . 481
Ranke's (Dr.) History of the Popes . . . . 430
• , History of England .. .. 456
Ray's glossaries 10
" Rebel's Recollections, a," in the Atlantic
Monthly 633
Reber's (Dr.) history of modern Gennan
Art 531
Records, Public, Report of Deputy Keeper
of 153
Red Lion Square, legend connected with,. 317
Renan, Mr., on Ch-iental literature . . . . 455
Reresby, Sir John, memoirs of 506
Research, the endowment of 375
Renss's (Dr.) new translation of the Bible
into French 607
, Histoire de la Thiologie chri-
tienne 607
Renter, Fritz, the widow of 292
, , monument to 375
, , posthumous works of . . 375
Revolution, the, Basque and French docu-
ments to illustrate 559
Ribot, Dr.. on Heredity 262
Richter, Franz Xavier 430
Robbards, Raphe, notes by, on the steam-
boat, steam-engine, and rifled guns . . 655
HocheioTt's Lanterne 97
Rodenberg, JuUus, new periodical by, 344, 374
RodweU's (F. G.) " Perception of the In-
visible*' 153
Rohan, Marie de, Duchess of CJhevreuse. . 404
Rome, obelisks in 152
, projected large libraries at .. ..531
Rosa, Father Paul 112
Roscher's (W.) Histoid of Political Eco-
nomy in Germany 583
Rottmann's frescoes at Munich 375
Boxburghe Club, the 481
Hoye's {William) Dialogue between a Chris-
tian Father and his Stubborn Son . . . . 402
Undy's (Ch.) English-Chinese Grammar .. 344
Rimeberg, the Swedish poet 262
Ruskin, Prof., lectures by, at Oxford 481, 506
Russell, Lord WiUiam, execution of . . . . 683
Russia, metrical romances of 39
, advance of education in 67
, protection of Uterary property in 454
Sachs, Hans, monument to 40
Sainte-Beuve on Victor Hugo 432
Samarov's (Dr.) Um Zfpter and Kronen 261
new political novels . . . . 375
Scandinavia, mediaeval history of . . . . 608
Scandinavian literature 404
Schliemann, Dr 66
Scott's (W. B.) collected poems 583
Seeley's (Prof.) lectures 402
Life of Stein 429
Shah's Diary in England, the 378
Shah Shujaa', sUver coin of 530
Shakspere, Singer's edition of 317
Society, the New 10, 67, 292, 374,
375, 654. 698
, Manchester
branch of 429
, Edinburgh
branch of 506
, prizes offer-
ed by 698
• Club at Stratford-on- Avon.. .. 123
, authorship of 353, 402
, his use of country terms and
similes 179
Club at New Jersey College,
Priucetown 205
, death mask of 205
Sunday Society, the ..344, 631, 683
, Staunton's notes on 375
, traces of, in 1639 454
Society at Bedford 598
Memorial Library at Cambridge 598
, Schlegel and Tieck's translation
of 6.^0
Shea's (G. J.) "Librai*y of American Lin-
guistics" 631
Shotover Papers, the 4S2
Sidgwick's (H.) Methods of Ethics . . . . 557
Siena, horse-racing festival at 346
Simmons's (Rev. Canon) Bidding Prayers 344
Lay Folks' Mass
Book 631
Singer's Shakespere 630
Slaves, the, history of 292
Smith, Mr. Herbert 96
Snorre Stiu-lesson 67
Sohlman, Dr. August 96
Soho Square, history of 293
Spain, literary activity in 41
Spenser, Edmund, new facts about . . . . 8
Stamm's Uljilas, Heyue's text of . . . . 403
Stationers, Company of , Register Book of 11
Staunton's notes on Shakspere 375
Stephen, Mr. Leshe, on Mr. DisraeU's
novels 375
Stockholm, sanitary comhtion of . . . . ^6
Stoddard's (R. H.) Bric-a-brac series . . 685
Stow, John, literary relic of 27
Strasburg Uuiversity, lectures and classes
at .. 152
students of English at 683
Stratford-on -Avon, photograph of . . . . 123
Strauss, hues written by, on his death-bed 507
Strickland, Agnes 68
Suckhng, Sir J., witty effusion of . . . . 68
Sumner, Mr. Charles 152
, works relating to . . 374
Sussex dialect, dictionary of the 583
Swain, Charles 378
Sweden, mihtary successes of, on the Con-
tinent 557
Swinburne's Critical Studies 480
Swiss Historical Enquiry Association . , 404
Tarleton, Sir Banastre 375
Tartar and Japanese Studies, Societies for 683
Taschereau, M 374, 53 1
Ten Brink, Prof 262
Texts, Society for the Publication of . . 68
Theatrum Scoliae 152
Tegn^r, Esias, festival in memory of . . . . 481
Tell myth, the 376
Theiner, Father A 206, 292, 316
, hbraryof 262
— , letters of 402
Thibaut, Dr., appointment of, in Benares
CoUege 654
Thiele, Just Mathias 558
ThieiTy, Am6d6e, M. GeofEroy on .. ..319
*' Thoughts of a Country Critic" in Com-
hill 632
Thynn, Francis, manuscript by 317
Time and Death, pictixres of 429
Tischendorf , Prof., death and works of . . 655
Tonson's Correspondence 126
Trajan, Ernest Desjardin on 633
Translations from the English in the Bevne
Scientifique 481
Trial, curious, relating to an Aldine Horace 262
Troy, the sack of, in i^a/«W 632
Trumpp, Dr 261
Twisleton. Hon. Edward 444
T^!9\ss's {Siv T .) Monumenta Juridica .. 582
Tyndall, Prof., on fog-signaUing .. 507, 631
Tyrwhit-Drake, Mr. C. F 13
Tyson's (Capt.) Arctic Experiences .. .. 686
Ukert's (Dr.) Encyclopaedia of Modern
European History 531
Ulrici, Prof., Shakspere Commentaries of 654
United States, University education in the 68
, revolutionary war of the . . 123
, periodical literature of the. . 403
, Indian Question in the . . 507
Universities of O.xford and Cambridge, re-
venues of 506
Vatna Jokull, attempt to explore .. ..632
Venetian oligarchy, the 456
Venus, transit of, and the Royal Society . . 683
VercelU MS., the 178
Verdi's Messa da Requiem in New York . . 685
Victor, King 97
Victoria, library, museums, and national
gallery of 631
Vinot's (M. Gustave) Neveus du Pape . . 611
Virgil's description of the sea, paper on . . 375
Vischer, Prof. Wilhelm 168
Vbgeli, Hans Heinrich 482
Vogelweide, W. von der, celebration in
honour of 430
"Wages-fund," Mr. Thornton's theory of
the 507
Wagner's (Prof.) collection of modem
Greek poetry 454
Lohengrin at New York . . . . 686
Waitz, Professor Georg 234
Waldmiiller (Robert) new novelettes by . . 403
Walras' (L§on) Elements d'Economie Poli-
tique 317
Ward's (Mrs.) primer of English literature
for children 654
Warten burg, Karl, novels by 375
Wellington, anecdote of a portrait of . . 507
Wheeler, Mr. W. A 557
White's (R. G.) essay of the authorship of
Shakespere's Henry VI. 374
Whitney, Professor W. D 375, 583
Whitney's Oriental and Linguistic Essays , . 657
Widstrand, Herr 10
Williamson, Sir Joseph 295
Winckelmann, celebration of anniversary
of birth of 683
" Winkelried Saga," the 37S
Winther's (Christian) / Naadsensaaret . . 683
" Women's Rights " 153
Wordsworth and his sister, prints of . . . . 654
Working Men's College, the 374
Worsaae. Etatsraad 152
Wren, Sir Christopher 39
Wiilcker's (Dr. R. V.) Early English Chres-
tomathy 430
(Dr. Ernst) High and Low-Ger-
man Dictionary 430
Yale College 39
Yates, Mr. Edmund 67
Yhlen, Miss Charlotta 67
Zschokke, Heinrich, and the Stunden der
Andacht 630
Zupitza's (Prof.) " Guy of Warwick" . . 317
Ancessi's (I'AbM) Eludes de Grammaire
comparie 538
Bergmann's (Dr. E. von) Beilrage zur
Mithammedanischen Miimkunde .. .. 298
Bronn's (J. A.) Observations of Magnetic
Declination made at Trevandrum and
Aguslia ilalley 638
Corpus l-nscriptionmn Atticai-um .. .. 613
Drayson's (Lieut.-Col.) On the Motion of
the Fixed Stars 486
Driver's (S. R.) Use of the . Tenses in
Hebrew 103
Dnncan's (David) Descriptive Sociology . . 298
Evans's (J.) Ancient Stone Implements, *tc.,
0/ Great Britain 127,159
Eys' (W. van) La Langue Mrienne et la
Langue Basque 588
PUnt's (R.) The Philosophy of History in
France and Germany 687
nuckiger's (F. A.) PharmacograpMa . . 537
Foi's (Col. Lane) Collection of Weapons . . 460
Grove's (Sir W. R.) The Correlation of
Physical Forces 512
Hadley's (J.) Essays 16
Hal^vi's ( J.) Essai sur la Langne Agaou . . 538
Havet's (E.) Date des Bcrits qui portent Us
noms de Birose et Manithon 381
Hinton's (J.) Physiology for Practical Use 614
.Tevons' (W. S.) The Principles of Science. . 381
Joret's (C.) Du *' C" dans les Langues
Romants 157
Kennedy's (B. H.) The Public School Latin
Qrammar 486
Key's (Dr.) Language, its Origin and De-
velopment 48
Kielhorn's (P.) 7he PanbhdsJiendusekhnra
0/ migojibhutta 156
REVIEWS- contin lied.
Lenomiaut's (Fr.) Les Premieres Civilisa-
tions 384
Luchaire's Remarques sur les Jfoms de
Lieux du Pans Basque 588
Mahaffy's (J. P.) KanCs Critical Philosophy Ti
M6nant's (J.) Lecons d'Epigraphie Assy-
rienne 130
Annales des Rois d'Assyrie 659
Merx's (Dr. A.) Neusyrisches Lesebuch . . 639
M'Lauchlan's (Dr.) the Book of Common
Order 539
Nodal's (Dr. J. F.) Elementos de Gramdtica
Quichua 130
Nntt's (J. W.) Fragments of a Samaritan
Targum 46
Fettigrew's (J. B.) Physiology of the Circu-
lation in Plants, &c 409
Pfleiderer's (Otto) Z^er Pflu/ini*mui .. ..101
Revy's (J. J.) The Hydraulics of Great
Rivers 563
Spencer's (H.) Study of Sociology .. .. 44
Spiegel's (Fr.) Eranische Alterthumskunde 186
Strachey's (Sir E.) Jewish History and Poli-
tics 129
SaWy's (J.) Sen-^alion and Intuition .. .. 14
Vinson's (J.) La Question Ibirienne . . . . 588
■Weymouth's (R. F.) On Early English Pro-
nunciation 460
Wooster's (D.) Alpine Plants 587
Armstrong's (H. E.) Introduction to the
Study of Organic Chemistry 299
Baird's (S. F.) Annual Record of Science
and Industry 75
(W.) Bit'Uoirwa Xicotiaim .. ..343
Burns's (Sootti r.'. 'V.w ''. ■ .fri/rtiois .. 344
Church's (A. II ' ' '■mde .. .. 299
Cleland's (J.l J /'/ .. .. 17
Euers' (H.) £/.».. ;.-(;v ,,.,/,»■ on Nauti-
cal Astronomy 299
Foster's (M.) Phvsioiogy 343
GeOde's i A.) Geology 17,343
Physical Geography . . . . 343
HeLTbison's {M.) Elements of Zoology .. 343
Ilermathena. By members of Trinity Col-
lege, Dabliu 131
Hovenden's (R. M.) The Odes of Horace 436
Huxley, Roscoe, and Stewart's Science
Primers 343
Kemshead's (Dr. W. B.) Inorganic Che-
mistry 299
Lardiier's (D.) Handbook of Natural Phi-
losophy 76
Pickering's (B. C.) Elements of Physical
Manipulation 75
Uee^^'s (C. G.) Elementary Astronomy .. 343
Roscoe's (Prof.) Chemistry 343
Simpson's (B.) Outlines of Natural Philo-
sophy 299
Stewart's (Prof. B.) /"AysiM 343
Thorpe's (T. E.) Qualitative Chemical Ana-
lysis, &c 75
Manual of Inorganic Che-
mistry 299
Ueherweg's (Dr. F.) History of Philosophy 434
Wickham's (E. C.) The Worksof Horace.. 436
Wilson's (A.) Student's Guide to Zoology . . 343
Wood's (Rev. J. G.) Oulo/flooj-s .. ..639
Anthrop. Instit., 542, 592. HI, 604 ; Asiatic
Soc, 641 ; Brit. Assoc, 209, 240, 267 ; Bur-
Ungton Fine Arts Club, 541 ; Camb. Phil.
Soc, 591, 640 ; Coll. for Men and Women,
668 ; Entomolog. Soc, 78, 641, 568, 691 ;
Geol. Soc, 516, 668, 616, 692 ; Linn. Soc,
19,667,691, 641, 664; Lon. and Midd. Al--
chael. Soc, 190; Micros. Soc, 516; New
Shakspere Soc, 19, 78, 413, 568; Numism.
Soc, 574 ; Philol. Soc, 641, 591, 663 ; Phys.
Soc, 541, 592, 663 ; Roy. Arch. Inst, of Gt.
Brit., 641 ; Boy. Astron. Soc, 567, 664 ; Roy.
Geog. Soc, 542, 592, 664 ; Roy. Hist. Soc, 78 ;
Roy. Micros. Soc, 412 ; Soc. of Bibl. Ar-
chaeol. 616, 616 ; Statist. Soc. 19.
Amer. Jour, of Sci.. 77, 190, 665, 691 ; Amer.
NaturaUst, 47, 190, 301, 414, 640, 616 ; Ann.
d. Chem. u. Phar., 18 ; Ann. des Sci. Geol.,
132 ; Anthropologia, 462 ; Arbeiten aus d.
Phys. Anst. Leipz. , 491 ; Arch, de Phys.,
690 ; Arch, of Med., 104, 413 ; Astron.
Mitth., 590 ; Astron. Nachrichten, 76, 105,
662 ; Athenaeum, 439 ; Ausland, 77, 190,
616 : Bot. Mag., 691 ; Bot. Zeit., 666 ; Brit.
Bee Joum., 690 ; Bull, de I'Acad. Roy. de
Belg., 540 ; Bull, dell' Inst, di Corrisp. Arch.,
49 ; Bnll Met. dell. Osserv. del Coll. Rom.,
665, 662 ; Uentralblatt, 104, 589 ; Comptes
Eendus, 615 : Eckhard's Beitr'age, 689 ; En-
gineering, ,438 ; Gard. Chron., 439; Gaz. Paris, 689 ; Geiger's Zcitsch,, 640;
Geol . Mag., 615 ; Giov. della R. Accad. di

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Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson > Non-Fiction > Uncollected essays > Academy > (13) Page vii
(13) Page vii
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Volume 6, 1874 - Academy
DescriptionFrom the 'Academy', a monthly record of literature, learning, science and art. (London: John Murray, Vol. 1(1869)-5 ; vol. 17-87(1914)). Volume VI [6], July-December, 1874 contains reviews by Robert Louis Stevenson, pages 142-143, 173, 406-407, 602-603.
ShelfmarkX.231.b,c ([Vol. 2 (1870)-v. 9 (1876)]
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Form / genre: Written and printed matter > Periodicals
Dates / events: 1869 [Date published]
Places: Europe > United Kingdom > England > Greater London > London (inhabited place) [Place published]
Subject / content: Essays
Reviews (document genre)
Person / organisation: John Murray (Firm) [Publisher]
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Contributor]
Uncollected essays
DescriptionEssays and reviews from contemporary magazines and journals (some of which are republished in the collections). 'Will o' the Mill', from Volume 37 of the 'Cornhill Magazine', is a short story or fable.
Early editions of Robert Louis Stevenson
DescriptionFull text versions of early editions of works by Robert Louis Stevenson. Includes 'Kidnapped', 'The Master of Ballantrae' and other well-known novels, as well as 'Prince Otto', 'Dynamiter' and 'St Ives'. Also early British and American book editions, serialisations of novels in newspapers and literary magazines, and essays by Stevenson.
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Person / organisation: Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 [Author]
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