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X P R E F A C E;
The mujGc is not of that Hght kind^
that can only tickle the ear ; it has
power to intereft the paffions and
tonch the heart. It has commanded
the attention of a Sovereign, who is
no leis ceiebrated as a judge of the
fine arts, than for his abiHties in, the
cabinet, and his condn^ in the field,
This illuftrious perfonage has procu*
red from a gentleman of North Bri-
tain, a colle61ion of Highland tunes,
and he efteems them extremely valua-
ble. Is it poffible not to admire the
mufic that can give pleafure to the
King of Pruffia ?
The elegies on the death of fome e-
minent men in the Highlands are not
the compofition of venal poets, ftrain-
ing to exprefs fentiments they never
felt; but the genuine eftufions of
the heart on tlie lofs of a friend
and protecflor ; for fuch to them was
the chief of their tribe„ They looked
on him as a father, whofe commands
they were bound to obey ; he in re-
turn protedted them from iiijuries,
relieved their neceffities, and fup-
plied their wants ; and the very loweft

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