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Q^ When did the Spirit of God come upon the
apofiles and other difcipies ?
A. At the feaft of Pentecoft, which was about
ten days after Chrift went to heaven, Acts ii, i. as.
Q_. In what manner did the Spirit of God come
upon them?
A. A noife like a rufhing wind filled the houfe
where they were met, and cloven tongues of fire
fat upon them, Acts ii. 2. 3.
Q^ What was the firft remarkable effect of the
Spirit of God coming upon them ?
A. Each of them was enabled to preach the
gofpel in ftrange languages, Acts ii. 4. 5. 6.
Q^ What was the doctrine they preached ?
A> That Jeius who was crucified, was the
Meffiah, that is, the Chrift, the Son of God,
the Saviour
repent, and
n ; and that
believe in his name,
30. 38. and iii. jq.
and iv»
be faved, Acts
10. 12.
Q. What fuccefs had their preaching?
A. Three thoufand were converted and baptized
in one day, and five thoufand in another, Acts ii.
41. and iv. 4. and v. r4.
Q^ What miracles did they work to confirm their
doctrine ?
A. Some that were cripples had the ufe of their
limbs given them, multitudes of lick were healed by
them, fome perfons were ftruck dead, and others
railed to life, Acts iii. 2. 3. and v. i.- 11. 15.
16. and ix. 40.
Q^ Had not other believers in Chrift power of
working miracles alfo ?
A. Yes, Jefus Chrift communicated very great
gifts and powers to them, by laying on of the hands
of the apo{tlcs > Mark ix. ] 7. Acts vi. 6. 8. and viii.
x4 . 18.
Q^ Were

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