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[ IKS' i
ànd Pilate and the Jews fejt a guard of foldiers about
it, 'Matth. xxvii. 57. — 66.
C>^ When did he rife from the dead ?
A. On the fir ft day of the week after he had lain.
three days in the grave, that is, part of three days,
Matth. xxviii, 1. — 5..
Q^To whom did he appear- after his rifing a-
A. He appeared many times to his difciples j he
eat and drank, and talked with them, and gave them
mo ft certain proofs of his refurrection, Acts i. 3.
and x. 41.
Q^ How long did he tarry on earth after his
rifing from the dead I
A. He tarried forty days, conferring with his
apoftles, and inftructing them further in the gofpel
and the doctrines and rules of his kingdom, Acts
Q^ How did he go up to heaven ?
A. When he had given his apoftles their com-
miftion to preach the gofpel to all nations, and
bleflfed them, they law him carried up to hea-
ven in a bright cloud, Mark xvi. »5. — 19. Acts
i. 9.
Q^ What did the difciples do when their Lord had
left them }
A* They returned to Jerufalem, and waited for
the Spirit of God to come upon them, according to
the promife of Chrift, Acts i. 4. 12. 14.
Q. What was the firft thing they did towards their
public work ?
A. They chofe Matthias, by prayer and by lot,
to be an apoftle in the room of Judas the traitor,
Ads i. 23. — 26.
Q. What became of Judas ?
A. When he faw that Chrift was condemned,
lie went and hanged hicnfelf ; and falling down,
bis bowels gullied out, Matth. x^vii. 3. 5. Acts
i. x8.

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