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4. He promifed them to fend the Spirit of God
after his departure, to fit them for their public
fervice, Luke xxiv. 49. John xv. 26-. and xvi. 7.
Q^ What were the two ordinances which Chrifl
appointed in his church ?
A. He appointed baptifm and the Lord's fupper,
to continue to the end of the world, Matth, xxviii.
20- 1 Cor. xi. 24. 26.
Q_. Thus we have heard how Jefus lived, let us
hear now in what manner did he die ?
A. He was meek and patient, and refigned to
the will of God in fuftering and dying, John xviii.
1 1. Matth. xxvi. 39.
Q^ What were his {harpeft fufterings ?
A. The anguifh which he endured in his foul in
the garden, juft before his death, which made him
fweat drops of blood, Mark xiv. 33. 34. Luke
xxii. 44.
Q^ What kind of death did he die ?
A. He was crucified, that is, his hands and feet
were nailed to a wooden crofs, and there he hung
till he died in extreme pain, Mark xv. 24. John
xx. 25.
Q. When Jefus Chrift had honoured God fo
much in his life, how came he to die fo fhameful
and painful a death ?
A. He was appointed of God to be a facrifice to
take away the fins of men, who had deferved to die,
Acts ii. 23. 2 Cor- v. 21. Heb. ix- 26.
Q^ But what reafon had men to kill
him r
A. No juft reafon at all; but the teachers an
rulers of the Jews hated his doctrine and reproofsJ
and were much enraged to fee the people follow hifljj
Matth. xxi. 45. 46. Mark xv. fo.
Q. How did they lay hold of Jefus ?
^ 4- Thej

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