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baptized by John, who was fent from God to
preach and to bapnze with water, Luke 'iii/ 16. 21.
Q. What was the doctrine which John -the Bap-
tift preached ?
A. He reproved fifmers, he preached repentance
and the forgivenefs of iins •, and he dirtctfd his dif-
ciples to Jefus as the Saviour, Mark i. 4. j. 8. John
i. 29. Acts xx. 4.
Q^ What became of John the Baptift at lafb ?
A. He was beheaded by Herod, at the wkke'd
requeft of his niece, when flie had pleafed him with
her fine dancing, Mark vi. 17. 28.
Q^ What honour was done to Chrift at his bap-
tifm ?
A. The Spirit of God like a dove defcended up-
on him, and a voice came down from heaven, fay-
ing, This is my beloved Son, in whom 1 am well plea-
fed> Matth. iii. 17. Luke iii. 22
Q^ What became of Chrift immediately after his_
baptiim ?
A. He was forty days in the wildernefs, where
he endured the temptations of the devil, and over-
came the tempter, Matth. iv. i.- — *-ii.
Q. What were the chief parts of the miniflry of
Chrift in his life ?
A. Thefe five, viz.
1 . He fulfilled the whole law, and gave us a per-
fect example of piety toward God, and goodneis to
2. He preached to the people his divine doctrine
which he brought rrom heaven.
3. He wrought miracles to prove that he was
fent from God.
4. He choie out his apoilles, and trained them
lip for thwii public iervice.
5. He appointed two lafling ordinances in his
Q^ W herein

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