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*iour as men, fome fpecial rules relating to then?
religion as a church, and others about their govern-
ment as a nation *.
Q. What were the general laws which related to
their behaviour as men ?
A: Thofe laws which are commonly cslird mo*
ral % and which belong to ail mankind : thefe are
chiefly contained in the ten commandments, Exod.
Q^ In what manner was this moral law, or ten
commandments, given them ?
A. God fir ft (poke to them from mount Sinai,
with thunder and lightning, and then wrote it for
them in two tables of ftone, Exod. xix. 16. iS. and
xx. i. 18. andxxiv. 12. Deut. x. 1 5.
Q. What were the fpecial laws which God gave
them relating to their religion as a church ?
A. Many rules about their worfhip of God, their
priefts and Sacrifices f, about iprinkling of blood,
and wafhing with water, about holy times and holy
Q^ What was the chief defign of thefe ceremonies I
A. Partly to keep them from the idolatry and
-evil cuftoms of other nations, and partly to
£gure out the biefiings of Chrift and the gofpel,
* The laws of the Jews which relate to their behaviour
as men, to their religion as a church, and to their government
as a nation, are all intermingled in fuch a manner that it is
hard to fay, under which head Come of then mnft, be
ranked, even in the ten commands, which are ufually ca led the
moral law, there is fomething ceremonial^ and peculiar to the
Jews : and indeed, they r.rc all piopttly but one b(?dy of laws
given to that people whom God chofc for his own; y< t for di-
ftmclion- fake they may be diftributed into three kinds, as ia
this catechifm.
f The docirine of the pricflhood and facrifices had a larger
100m in this catech'fm, but I wis contained to cut this
matter fl.ort, as well us muuy others, left it fliouid be thought
tedious to childien.

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