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-v- C 7« 1
come down'from heaven to judge alt mankind ^
and for that purpofe, he fhall raife all that are
dead to life again.
i Pet. iv 7. The end of all things is at hand.
1 TheiT. iv. 16. The Lord himfelf Audi defcend
from heaven. 2 Tim. iv. 1. The Lord Jefus
Chrift, who (hall judge the living and the dead
at his appearing. John v. 28. 29. The hour is
coming in which all who are in the graves fliall
hear his voice, and come forth. 1 Cor. xv, ±2.
The trumpet fhall found, and the dead fhall be
rai fed.
Q^ What fhall be done to mankind when the
dead are raifed to life ?
A. Chrift fliall call them all to appear before his
feat of judgment, where both the righteous and the
wkked muft give an account to him of their beha-
viour in this world.
Matth. xxv. 31. 32. When the Son of man
fhail come in his glory, before him fhall be ga-
thered all nations. Rom. xiv. 10. 12. We fhall
all ftand before the judgment-feat of Chrifl — every
one of us fhall give account of himfelf to God.
Q^ How will the righteous appear in that
day ?
A. The righteous fhall appear with courage and
joy, as the children of God, who have done the
will of their heavenly Father, and are made like him
in holinefs.
1 John iir. 10, In this the children of God
are manifeft, and the children of the de-
vil: whofoever doth not righteoufnefs is not of
God. 1 John ii. 29. Every one that doth righ-
teoufnefs is born of him. Eph. iv. 24. The new
man which after God is. created in righteoufnefs
and true holinefs. 1 John iv, 17. We may have
boldnefs in the day of judgment, becauie as he
|s, 10 arc we in tfus world.
ft And

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