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Job xxxiv. 32. If 1 have done iniquity, Twill
clo it no more.
Q^ What to have faith in Chrift as your
Saviour ?
A. To have faith in Chrift as my Saviour,
is to believe that Chrift is the Saviour of fin-
ners, and to give myfelf up to him, and truft
in him, that he may fave me in his own
/i&s viii. 37. I believe that Jefus Chrift is
v the Son of God. 1 Tim. i. 15. with 2 Tim.
i. 12. This is a faithful faying, and worthy of
all acceptation, that Jefus Chrift came into the
world to fave finners. I know whom I have
believed, [or trujted"], and 1 am perfuaded he is
able to keep that which I have committed un-
to him. 2 Cor. viii. 5. — Firft they gave up them-
felves to the Lord.
Q. What reafon have you to hope that you fhall
then be delivered from the anger of God ?
A. If we repent of fin, and truft in Chrift,
God hath told us in his word, that he will
forgive our fins, and fave our fouls.
* Acis iii. 1-9. Repent, and be converted, that
your fins may be blotted out. Acts x. 43.
Whofotver believeth (or trujieth) in him, fhall
receive remiflion of fins. Acts xvi. 31. Be-
lieve on (or truft hi) the Lord Jcius Chrift,
anji thou fnalt be faved.
Q. But is not your heart itftlf finful ? and
have you power of yourltlf to repent of fin,
and to truft in Chrift, and obey him ?
A. We have finful hearts, and cannot do
thefe duties of ourfelves ; but God has pro-
mifed his own hcly Spirit, if we pray for it,

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