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C 48 3
in thought, word, and deed, againft the blefTed
A. I have let evil thoughts run too much in my
mind, and fpoken too many evil words : I have too
often done fuch deeds as are evil, and neglected
what is good.
See the fcriptures under the former queftion.
Q^ Whence comes it to pafs that you have been
fuch a firmer ?
A. I was born into the world with inclinations
to that which is evil, and I have too much follow-
ed thefe inclinations all my life.
Pfal. li. 5. Behold I was fhapen in iniquity, and
in fin did my mother conceive me. Gen. viii. 21.
The imagination of man's heart is evil from his
youth. Eph. ii. 3. We all had our converfation
In times paft, in the lufts of the fieih, fulfilling
the defires of the flefh, and of the mind, and were
by nature children of wrath, even as others.
0. How came you to be born with fuch inclina-
tions to evil ?
A. All mankind are born in fin, becaufe they
come from Adam, the firft man who finned a-
gainft God ?
Job xiv. 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of
an unclean ? Not one. Job xv. 14. What is man
that he fhould be clean ? and he which is born of
a woman, that he fhould be righteous ? Rom.
v. 12. By one man fin entered into the world.
Verf. 19. By one man's diibbedience many were
made finners.
No more of original fin is exprefTed in this catechifm than al-
mofi all Chriflians acknowledge; nor indeed are chtldten well
capable of taking in any deeper accounts of this doctiine
CK But why did you follow thefe evil inclinations ?
was it not your duty to refill them them when you
knew they were evil ?
A. I ought to refift every finful inclination -, and

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