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anger, wrath, malice, hlafphemy, filthy com-
munication out of your mouth : lie not one to
Q. What are thofe finful actions which you
muft avoid?
A Sinful actions are fuch as thefe, gluttony, '
drunkennefs, and quarrelling, wanton carriage,
and mifpending of time, especially the Lord's
day, doing difnonour to God, or injury to j
Luke xxi. 34. Take heed to yourfelves, left
at any time your hearts be -overcharged with
furfeiting and drunkennefs. James iy. 1. Whence
come wars and fightings among you? come
they not from your lufts ? 1 ThefT. iv. it.
Study to be quiet, and to do your own bufi-
nefs. Rom. xii. it. Not flothful in bufinefs.
Rom. xiii. 13. Not in rioting and drunken-
nefs, not in chambering and wantonnefs. Ronu
ii. 23. Through breaking the law thou dif-
honoureft God. Rom. xiii. 9. 10» Love thy
neighbour as thyfelf. Love worketh no ill to his,
Q^ Have you never broke the commandments
of God, and finned again it him ?
A. My own heart and confcience tell me,
that I have broke God's holy commandments,
and finned againft him both in thought, word, and
Prov. xx. 9 Who can fay, I have made my
heart clean, 1 am [aire from my fin? Jimes
iii. 2. If any mat* offend not in word, the lame is
a perfect man. In many things we offend all.
Eccl. vii. 10. There is not a juft man upon the
earth, that doth good, and finneth not.
Q^How do you know that you have finned

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