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ourfelves. Pfai. xxxvi. 6. O Lord, thou prefer-
veft man and beaft. Pfal. cxix. 68. Thou art
good, and doft good. Pfal. ciii. 19, The Lord
hath prepared his throne in the heavens, his
kingdom ruleth over all. Pfal. 1. 6. God is judge
Q. And how do the fcriptures teach you to ferve
God? I
A. I mull: ferve God, by keeping all his com-
mandments ; that is, by doing every thing that he
defires of me, and avoiding every thing that he
forbids me.
Deut. x- 12. 13. What doth the Lord thy God
require of thee ? r ■ To keep the commandments
of the- Lord. Exod. xxiv. 3. All the words which
the Lord hath faid will we do. Pfal. cxix. 101. I
have refrained my feet from every evil way, that
I might keep thy word.
Q^What commandments has God given to men?
-A. He gave the law of the ten commandments to
the Jews in the Old Teftament, and they are fum-
med up in two commandments for us in the New
Deut. x. 4. And he wrote on the tables [of
ftone] the ten commandments which the Lord
fpake unto you in the mount. Matth. xxii. 4a.
On thefe two commandments hang all the law and
the prophets. See Queft. 21.
Q^ Repeat the ten commandments of God in
fhort, which he gave in the Old Teftameni: *. What
is the firft commandment I
* Jt is thought more proper in a catechifm for children to
give the ten commandments in fhort. and not to write them
down here in full length, which is not fo needful for children,
and would burden their mcmoiies Chrifc himfdf and St Paul
have done the ft me thing when they rehearfed fevcral of ti.efe
commands. See Matth xix. 18. and Ro.n. xiii. 9-
Note, A particular account of what is required, and what
is forbidden in thefe commandment*, may be feen in the, AvTem-
bly's Cateihiiin.
A. Thou

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