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t^tnfm toe Defìre t&at % gm gto^ie mag be aDfcancefc 'fH
abaaeali t^tnp, anD eberie tofieEe.
cJ^". Doeft thou meane, that this hìs gìory may
either increafe or dimimfh?
C. $0 fytily m it felfe: but t|e meaning ijeereof
fe,ttjat it ma^ bekaolBii asit otigSt to !rc: atw tjiat
ail tlie li)o:fe0 togjcb 4I5od Dptty mag appeate tonto
tnen to begiQjtous, etjenas tbeEbè&mfceiteDttDet
fo jfcat ^e mtgijt b^ ail mepes be magnifiea.
u CM. What doefl: thou meane in the fecond re-
fpetf by the Kingdome of God?
C. ffij)i5 &mpjDome eonfiffctlj pjincipalte in
t|po po^nts: ttjst is to fa^, jfir(t,in t^attje sctjec^
tietb t)i0 elect tbjougtj 5is boty ^pictt: &no agatue,
in tyat be Defftosetb tbe toicfeeD, fo&icb ìdìU not
become fabtect to #s ftingDome: to tbe eno t^at it
rmy etiiDentl^ appeate, ttjat tljm i* no potoet* able
to isut&ff auD W» patoec.
2 70 c#£ What vnderftandeft thou m praying.that
bis Kingdome may eome?
C. SEfyat it tcoulo pleafe <$od from Da^ to Dag
toencceafe tbeuumbecof ^istait&full jflocfeettbat
&e tooulD contuinall\» mo^e ano moje beftoto t&e
giftes of U* bot^ J&pittt ampngtttbem, bnttlit&e
ty>mt come tDben tbe^ fljall bae fullieteplemfijeD:
tbat Ij® ìdouìd eaufe alfo tbe itgbt of fci« tcuetb
moje ano wo^e t# flfl?ne anD tfjat be topulD in fuefc
•tpages; mafce bt3 mttice to be fcoofome, t&at tbe D*-
tiil, ano fcts tJingDome of DadmrlTe ma? come to \3t-
tet confufion: a 10 tfyat all tmc!*e&neffe ma^ b&
cleane abM*t!ieDÌtttt& cddUD outt

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