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fteing rescued by them from self-destruction, helped to lead the
awakened Jailor at Philippi, eagerly to enquire for salvation at
the servants of Christ; who saved his mortal life, and agreeable
to the declared design of their coming, directed him and his fa¬
mily to attaining a happy immortality, by believing in the Lord
Jesus Christ. And having heard and received the doctrine of the
Gospel, he and all in his house were immediately baptized.
Acts xvi. 33.
John the Baptist, Christ’s forerunner, preached to the peo¬
ple of the Jews, (who indeed came in multitudes confessing
their sins) and administered unto them the baptism of repen¬
tance ; and came to prepare some of Christ’s own disciples, and
others for receiving his superior baptism and instructions. Jo.
i. 40. iv. 1. Acts xix. 5. Paul testified both to the Jews, and
also to the Greeks, repentance towards God, and further in¬
sisted on Faith in Jesus Christ. Acts xx. 21. The various
superstitions of idolaters and heathens, and sinners, in every
country and nation, testify the fruits of guilt, and some faint
sense of the placability of Hfeaven, by sacrifice or otherwise.
But this sense of sin and apprehensions of guilt, are but the be¬
ginnings of repentance, and even true sorrow, .and repentance,
and faith too of some kind, of itself alone, (James ii. 19. 24.)
is not salvation: nor is doubtful surmise assurance of full re¬
conciliation with an offended God and Father. This valley of
Achor (Hos. ii. 15.) may indeed be to many, the door of Hope,
gnu the pathway leading to the Saviour. Christ when he com-
eth, bringeth assurance of salvation ; and by means of his word
and institutions, and servants and Spirit, perfecteth the feeble
beginnings of reformation. Being exalted, a Prince and Sa¬
viour, to give repentance and remission of sin to all his spiritual
Israel—who are broken in their heart, and grieved in their spi¬
rit. Acts v. 51. Psa. cxlvii. 3.
When he cometh and is received; he breaketh not the bruis¬
ed reeq; he'quencheth not the dimly burning torch. But bring¬
will resound in the dwellings of the righteous, and may be accompanied
with psalmody and sacred music—yet the adage is true, Non vox sed vo-
l um—non musica chorduU sed cor—non damans sed amans—psallit in aure Dei.

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