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ber; principal; sibhse a’s urramaiche
do’n treud, you which are the principal
of theJlock ? respectful, submissive; tha
ainm urramach, his name is reverenced,
is distinguished', rinn e gu h-urramach,
he did it masterly,—he did it in a re¬
spectable manner.
Urramacud, urr'-am-achg, n.f honour¬
ableness. reverence, respectability, ho-
Urramaich, uir'-am-ech, v. reverence,
distinguish, honour, revere, respect.
Urranta, urr'-annt-a, adj. self-sufficient,
self-important; confident in strength or
capacity; bold.
Urrantachd, urr'-annt-achg, n. f. self-
sufficiency, self-confidence, audacity, pre¬
Urras, urr'-as, n. c. surety, security, bail,
cautioner, warrant; c6 thfcid an urras
ort, who will become security, or cau¬
tioner, or bail for you ? thfcid mise an
urras ortsa, 1 can assure, I will warrant
you; ma tha thu an urras, if y ou are
surety. B.; cha’n f hearr an Uurras na’n
t-earras, the security or bail is not a whit
better than the principal; cha’n’eil urras
a dhith orm, I want no security or surety.
Urrasach, urr'-as-ach, adj. secure, sure.
Ubrasachd, urr'-as-achg, n.f. trust-wor¬
thiness; assumption.
Urrasaicu, urr'-as-ech, v. insure.
Urrasail, urr'-as-al, adj. confident, secure.
Urrasair, urr'-as-aer, n. m. insurer.
Ursann, urr'-senn, n.f. door-post, pillar
of a gate; door-cheek ; ursannan, door¬
posts, or pillars of a gate,
Uruisg, firr'-eshg.n./. a hobgoblin ; b6chd-
an, Perthshire', a savage, ugly-looking
fellow. West.
Us, uss, n. m. impudence, presumption;
na biodh a dh’ uts agad, presume not,
dare not.
Usa, us'-a, for asa or fasa, (deg. furasd.)
Usaid, us'-aj, n./. querulousness; aptness
to complain with any, or for a very slight
Usaideach, us'-aj-ach, adj. querulous;
too apt to complain; querimonious.
Usaideachd, us'-aj-achg, n. f querulous¬
ness; aptness to complain, or to weep
for little or no reason; querimonious-
Usgar, usg'-ur, n. f. a jewel, gem; any
ornament, necklace, bracelet. Bible; Jr.
Usgaraicue, usg'-ur-ech-a, n. m. a jewel¬
Uspair, usp'-aer, n. m. lumpish fellow.
H. Society.
Ut ! Ut ! ut, ut. Inter, tut! tut! don’t!
Ut, utt’, v. push, shove, jostle; dh’ ut e
bhuaidh e, he pushed him away from
him; ut i, shove her.
Utag, utt’'-ag, shove, push, jostle.
Utaig, fittf'-aeg, n.f strife, outrage, hub¬
bub, row; lumber, confusion.
Utaigeach, titt'-aeg-ach, adj. turbulent.
Utaigeachd, tit'-deg-achg, n.f. turbulence.
Utan, ut'-an, knuckle. Irish; riuidean.
Utarras, titt'-arr-as, n. m. confused heap
or mass ; romping ; lumber, confusion ;
annoyance, molestation, fidgeting.
Utarrasach, fittf'-arr-as-ach, a. confused,
romping, full of lumber, unsettled.
Uth, 0, (or ugh, properly); udder; iith,
or iigh boine, cow's udder.
Uthachd, tiA'-achg, ruf. suicide; thug e
uthachd dha fhdin, he committed suicide,
he was the cause of his own death, man.
slaughter; bheir e uthachd dhuit, he wili
do away with your life.
Uthachdail, M'-achg-al, a. suicidical.
Uthard, u'-ard, adv. above, as cionn.
Uthna, uAn'-a, n.f. the surname Unity.
Utras, contraction of iitarras, confusion.

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