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rcr.r, bring up; brew, distil, exact, as
tribute; thog iad tigh, they built a house;
a fear a thog thu, the man that reared
you; le gliocas togar tigh, with wisdom
a house is built; togaidh fear fiar aimh-
reit, a perverse man stirreth up strife;
thog tiiinn an cinn, waves reared their
heads; tog do throm dhiom, remove thy
burden from me; do not goad me too
much,—do not touch me to the quick ;
thog iad els, they exacted a tribute; clear
up, cheer; cha . ^iob mo chridhe,
bagpipes will not cheer my spirits; tog¬
aidh an latha, the day will clear up; tog
ri, tog air, ascend, report ill of; tog
ciiis, appeal; thog e chuis gu Seusar, he
appealed into Ccesar; tog ort thun a
mhonaidh, betake yourself to the moun¬
tains; a.’togail a bhruthaich, ascending
the acclivity; thog iad air gu’n robh e
d&dheil air an 61, they raised a report
that he was addicted to liquor; a’ thog-
adh mo chridhe nuair bhithidh e trom,
that would cheer my heart when droop-
ingl hoist, weigh; tog na siuil, hoist the
sails; thog iad an acair, they weighed
anchor; thog iad a’ bhraich, they brewed
or distilled the malt; tog do shuil, raise
your eye.
Tooail, tog'-al, pt. raising, rearing, exact¬
ing; ascending, hoisting, weighing, &c.
Togail, tog'-al, n.f structure, superstruc¬
ture, building ; a’ moladh na togalach,
praising the building. Bible; starvation ;
air an togail, starving, as a cow.
Tog air, tog'-er, v. please, wish, incline,
desire; ma ihogras mi f h&n, just if I
please: a’ togairt dol dachaidh, inclin¬
ing, or feeling disposed to go home.
Togalach, tog'-al-ach, gen. of Togail.
'iOGALAiCHE, tog'-al-ech-a, n. m. builder.
'Iogalaichean, tog'-al-ecb-an, build¬
Togarrach, tog'-arr-ach, adj. inviting,
enticing; cha’n’eil an latha so togarrach,
this day is not inviting; willing, desi¬
rous ; tha e togarrach a dh’ fholbh, he is i
desirous to go.
Toghaidh, t6ghv~e, n.f. guard, care. H.
Toghlainn, tSU'-enn, n. f. exhalation,
fume; tha toghlainn ag 6iridh, there is
an exhalation rising; disagreeable heat
or fume.
Tograch, for Togarrach, willing.
Togte, tog'-tya, pt. raised, lifted under ex¬
citement; thaspeuran a chinn togte, he
is quite in a frenzy.
Toibheum, t6ev'-vam, n.f. blasphemy.
Toibheumach, t6ev'-am-ach, adj. blas¬
phemous, offensive, profane.
Toic, tdechg, n.f. a swelling in the body
or face from good living; wealth, that
puffs up.
Toicealachd, t6eehg'-al-achg, n.f. purse-
Toic ear, t6echg'-aer, n. m. purse-proud
Toicearachd, tdechg'-aer-achg, n./.purse-
Toiceil, tdechg/-al,arf/\ purse-proud, swell¬
ed up with pride of riches; disdain.
Toichiosdal, tdech'-esd-al, n. m. arro¬
Toigh, tdo for tagh; is toigh learn, for is
tagh learn, I like, f am fond of.
Toil, to’l, n. f. inclination, desire, will,
wish, pleasure; an tl a ni toil D6, he that
does the will of God; tha toil ’am sin a
dheanadh, I wish to do that; ma 'se do
thoil e, if you please.
Toileach, t5T-ach, adj. willing, volun¬
tary; tha mi toileach, I am willing;
gach ni is toileach le Dia, every thing
God pleases.
Toileachadh, toT-ach-ach-X, pt. pleasing,
satisfying, giving pleasure; n. m. satis¬
Toileachas, tB’l'-ach-us, n. m. content,
ment; toileachas-\notinn, mental plea¬
sure or satisfaction.
Toileachd, to’l'-aehg, n. m. willingness.
Toilealachd, toT-al-achg, n. f eager¬
ness, extreme willingness, or readiness.
Toilich, toT-ech, v. satisfy, please, will,
wish; ma thoilicheas tu, if you will or
wish; thoilich mi e, I satisfied him.
Toilichte, toT-ech-tya, pt. pleased, satis¬
fied ; tha mi toilichte, I am content.
Toil-inntinn, toT-enjt-enn, n.f. gratifi¬
cation, satisfaction, mental enjoyment.
Toill, taBlly’, v. deserve, merit; thoill thu
sin, you deserved or merited that.
Toillteanach, for Toilltinneach.
Toillteannas, taBltyv-unn-us, n.f. de¬
sert, merit; a rdir ar toillteannas, ac¬
cording to your desert or merit.
Toilltinn, ta611y’'-tyenn, pt. meriting,
deserving; d6 tha thu a’ toilltinn, what
do you deserve or merit ?
Toilltinneach, taolly’'-tyenn-aeh, adj.
deserving, meriting; duine toilltinneach
air bas, a person meriting death.
Toimhseachan, t6esh'-ach-an,-i w. m. a
Toimhseagan, t6esh'-ag an, J riddle;
an enigma.
Toimhsean, t6sh'-an, weights, scales,
balances, measures —; faculties. North.
Toimhseil, t6sh'-shul, adj. sensible. N.
Toinisg, t6en’'.eshg, n.f. common sense.
Toinisgeil, tden'-eskg-al, adj. sensible.
Toinn, toenn, v. twist, wreathe. (Cas.)\
spin, twine; tachrais or tochrais. Bible.
Toinneamh, toBnn'-uv, pt spinning, twi-

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