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W. FRASER, from the State of Illinois, who, after a residence
iVIr °f more than forty years in the Great Republic, is now revisiting
his native land, recited, at the Gaelic Society dinner, in the
Caledonian Hotel, Inverness, on 12th Jan., 1886, the following
poem of his own composition, which vividly describes his first impressions
of America, and the home-sickness that made him sigh there for Highland
heather, glens, streams, and the social life to which ho was accustomed.
Better acquaintance with the land of his adoption softened Mr. Fraser’s
regrets in due time, but never killed the Highlander in his nature.
First Part.
’Nuaik bha na h-uaislean air cinntinn cruaidh oirnn,
Ann san Taobh Tuath’s an robh sinn an Alb’,
Dh’ eirich fuaim oirnn gu dhol thar chuaintibh,
’S do dh-America ghluais sinn le fonn air falbh ;
Is ann sna Staitean air tir do chaidh sinn,
’N ceann iomadh la dhuinn bhi muigh air fairg’,
’S cha mhor toil-inntinn a gheibh ’san tir so,
Oir’s iomadh ni a tha ga deanamh searbh.
Air dol dheth bord dhuinn aig crioch ar seolaidh,
’Sa’ bhaile mhor ud do ’n ainm New York,
Bha sluagh gu Ieoh- as gach taobh ’n Roinn Eorp ann
Dheth na h-uile seorsa’s air iomadh dreach.
Bu chnapan “ nigger ” gach fear a tri dhiubh,
Mar ri na miltean do Gheangaich ghlas,
\S ma their mi ’n fhirinn gur mi bha sgith dheth,
Ma’n d’ fhuair mi m’ imrich a thogail as.

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