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Wald haue maid ane vthir vow.
Said Marciane fa fall I trow,
Speke we vthir wais faid Marciane,
We are cumin heir as mony men.
Far fra ouris in vthir countre,
I hope that richt fone fecht fall we.
With the nobilleft folk and the beft,
That fra the eft is fra the weft.
And with the beft King of renoun hie,
And maift may of noyis dre,
That euir was vnder the firmament,
Or that euir beis to my intent.
For he is fare and auenand,
Hardy wyfe and conquerand,
Happy in weir and weill luffit,
With all that his lorftiip hes pmiEt.
Sa it is mifterfull that we,
Richt wittely auyfit be.
How and on quhat wyfe alfua.
That we may beft to battaill ga.
Wyfly faid Clarus then.
We haue ane houndreth thoufand men,
At our leding and my counfale Is,
That we of thame mak vi. battallis.
And the firft gif I in leding.
To Porrus for gude keping.
Said Clarus fare fueit fone deir,
Ane fare gift I fall gif the heir.
Fra me I had na geuin it nocht,
Na war that I me vmbethocht,
That thow hes baith auowit and hecht,
Before the ladeis that ar bricht.
311 X.iiii. For

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