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(309) Page 295 -
And thanked Caflamus the hare,
Of all his erand and welefair,
And went hame forouttin raair.
NOW Marciane is went his way,
Glaid and blyth ioly and gay.
For he fa graithly fped had thare.
Of all his erand and weil fare.
Lyonell him conuoyed and Caulus,
Lordingis faid he be Marcus,
I wald be quhare the ladyis are.
To fe thare folace and thare fare.
Schir faid Lyonell full blythly,
And by the hand him tuke in hy.
To Venus chalmer he him brocht.
And Marciane forzet him nocht.
But halfit thame full courtafly,
With Venus and with Diany.
Fefoun anfuered on gude maner,
Waris mot zow lupiter.
Cum furth beaufhire and fyt us by.
And tell vs of zour oift party.
And of Clarus and his ryches,
Madame he faid for zour nobilnes.
And zour renoun and zour beute,
Hes maid all here this affemble,
Ane hundreth men zit fall be dede,
And difherift for zour fairhede.
Schir faid Fefonas the fre.
With my will it fall nocht be.
Bot Clarus is fa riche of Inde,
And is fa michty in his mynde.
And Alexander fa ftout of fere,
295 V.iiij. And

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