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And to hir faid he damyfell,
My hart I gif to the all hale.
But velany thocht or mauite,
Thairof thy hart fall flicker be.
CASSAMVS was wyfe and wyly,
Glaid and ioyfuU in cumpany,
And in battell cruell and kene,
And gready of the warld hes fene.
The ginnes knew he hale I wis,
To forzet dule and begin blis,
He wald richt glaidly fet his pane,
For to reioyce the Bauderane.
Cairamus faid quhat think ze fyre.
This chalmer will nouther haue wraith na ire,
For this is dame Venus hous,
That to lufaris is delytious,
Quha beis hir lufe him behouis.
Here may nane duell bot he that lutis.
Here may valzeis nocht the thocht,
Na to the fhamefull helpis it nocht.
Schir faid the Bauderane ze ar worthy,
Weill taucht and full of courtefTy.
To here zow I am defyrous.
And I to fay is richt ioyous.
Said CafTamus fare maydin fre.
Sail I Ihew zow za Ihir parde.
Certis be Neptune faid Caflamus,
I am wele auld and ryatus.
Bot of eld it is the richt.
For to be crabed day and nicht.
Schent worth he that crabis him ocht,
Schir Bauderane ferly zow nocht.
156 Lo

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