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His body and his nobill fteid,
To help his feiris in that neid,
Delyuerit thame oft douchtely,
And comfort thame oft hardely.
To help quhan that he mifter faw,
Bot thay behuffit thame withdraw,
Quhen thai war preiffit attour micht,
In this wife thai contenit the ficht.
Ay quhill thai faw the nobill King,
That fped him in thare fuccouring,
Richt Weill him gydit Arrefte,
And led him out throw ane vaillie.
Sa that or thay perfauit war,
Thai to thare fais cummin ar,
Quha had ane fcheild hale may fall.
That fone fall be to frufchit all.
QVHEN thai of Grece hes fene the King,
Cum fa ftoutly in thare helping.
And faw thare fuccouris was fa neir,
Sa gretly than yai comfort war,
That the worft of thare company,
Strenzeit in fterapis fturdely,
To reull thame ane home thai blew.
And fyne into ane fop thai drew,
Thare rout that tyme fa ftonait was,
That tane was hardy Predicas,
Caulus and Lyonell alfua.
Apoint than peirtly can yai ma,
And farely yare fais focht.
For yai wald venge yame gif yai mocht,
Betys beheld and by ane hill.
He faw yan fturdely cum him till.
70 Alexander

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