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kingdome of five hundred potent nations ; for, by how much the gifts of the mind are
more excellent then those of either body or fortune, by so much the divine effects of
the faculties thereof are of greater consequence then what is performed by meer force
of armes or chance of warre.
I might say more in commendation of this gallant man, but that my discourse being
directed to the Reader, he will possibly expect to be entertained with some other pur-
pose then encomiast icks ; and therefore, to undeceive him of those hopes, if any such
there be, I will assure him, that to no other end I did require his observance here,
but. to be informed by me of the laudable endowments of that honourable Baron, whose
eminencie above others, wher-ever he be spoke of, deserveth such an ample elogie
by it selfe, that the paper, graced with the receiving of his name and character, should
not be blurred with the course impression of any other stuffe.
However, the Reader ought not to conceive amisse for his being detained so long
upon this eulogistick subject, without the variety of any peculiar instruction bestowed
on him, seeing I am certaine there is nothing more advantagious to him, or that more
efficaciously can tend to his improvement, then the imitation of that admirable Gen-
tleman, whose immortall fame, in spite of time, will out-last all ages, and look eter-
nity in the face.
The Reader's well-wisher,
T. U.

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