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said school! and noclit to ressaue tham and that to be in the said Mr. Johnes will and
optione." The contract was written by Nicolas Dunbar, notary public, and witnessed
by Mr. James Gutherie, minister at Wrquhard, Mr. Dauid Philp, minister at Elgin,
and George Douglas, reader at Elgin.
1619, April 8th. — Contract betuixt the Toune of Elgin and Mr. Johne Allane. —
Mr. Johne Allane at the kirk of Allane agrees to become master of the Grammar
School with salary etc. as in 1616 contract. The contract was written by John
Nicolson, servitor to Mr. John Hay, town clerk of Elgin, but the names of the
witnesses are omitted.
1624, November 15th. — Contract beiuix the Tottn of Elgin and Mr. Gilbert
Anderson. — He agrees to become master of the Grammar School for five years at a
yearly salary of 100 marks, "to instruct the zouthe in thair grammar and sic wther
literatur as appertenis" and to "bring up the said zouthe baith in literature and guid
maners in sic forme and maner as is obseruit and allowit in all the best resauit gramer
schoillis within this realme as it sail pleas God to furneis him with grace knawledge
and wnderstanding wpone his credit and conscience and also to teache the said zouthe
sic groundis of religioune as they salbe fund capable of and to that effect to gife
thame thair Sundayes lessounes as appertenis . . . and farder the said Mr.
Gilbert faythfullie bindis and oblissis him that he sail not vpoune ony occasioune
withdraw himselff furthe of the said burgh above the space of four myillis of ground
nor remaine outwith the samyne attour the space of tuentie four houres during all the
tyme of the said fywe zeiris without the speciall licence and consent of the prowest
and bailzies of the said burghe for the tyme requyrit and obtenit be him . . .
siclyk that the said Mr. Gilbert sail not grant libertie to the said zouthe to play except
wpone convenient dayes viz. Tuyisday Thurisday and Setterday nor suffer tham to
pas to the bent but anes euerie fyfteine dayes wpon ane convenient day ... it
salbe lesum to the said Mr. Gilbert to exact of euerie tounes manis baime banting
the schoilles sex schillingis aucht pennies quarterlie for thair quarter payment with
four schillingis and ane great candill zeirlie at the feast of Hallowmes and to e.\act
the doubill therof fra euerie outland manes baime and quhensoeuer it sail happin
said zouth to pas to the bent it salbe leisum to the said Mr. Gilbert to exact of euerie
ane of the zoung sort that remaynes at heame four pennies money allenarlie." The
contract was written by Wm. Elies, servitor to John Paterson, notary public, and
witnessed by John James, John Douglas, John Forsyth, officer, and said John
1625, May i6th. — Contract bctitix the Toun of Elgin and David Murray. —
David Murray, resident at the burgh of Striuiling, accepts the office of maister of the
Musik Scole for four years, "bindis and oblissis him to instruct and edify the zouth of
the said burgh and all vtheris that sail happin to be committit to his chairge within
the said musik scole in musik singing playing reiding vvritting and vther honest
cumelie and religeous e.xercises cairfullie and diligentlie as becumeth and in sic forme
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