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reding nane to have place within the jurisdiction of the said provest and balzeis
except the said Mr. Thomas allanerlye And in caice of his inlaik of ordinar
or ordinaris daylie as said is the saids provest and balzeis and ther successoris to
content and paye the sovm of thre shillings iiii^ money forsaid as the said Mr.
Thomas Moig sail mak notefeit to the said provest and balzeis and thair successors
and burden his consciens thervpoun . . . that dew advertisment of removing of
ayther of the parties forsaidis from the vther salbe mad vpoun the premonitioun and
varning of ane half zeir befor the term of removing ... In witness . . .
befor thir witnesses Sir Jhone Gibsone persoun of Wnthank, Master Henrie
Thomtoun, Jhone Innes of Reidhall and Alex"^ Gibsone [sone] to the said Sir Jhone
1595. — Cotitract betuix the Tonne of Elgin and Williain Fraser. — At Elgin the
day of yeir of God IM VC fourscoir fywetein yeiris it is . . .
agreit betui.x ane noble and potent lord Alexander Lord of Wrcjuhart prouest of Elgin,
Thomas Hay, James Ogilbye, Wm. Young, Alex' Pringill, bailzeis of the samyne, Mr.
Alex"' Douglas, John Annand of Morrestoun, James Douglas, Wm. Gibsoun of
Sherefmilne, Mr. James Gardin, Alex' Annand, Alex' Boynd, Dauid Torrye, persouns
of the consall ... on the ane pairt and William Fraser now in Tayne and
maister of the Sang Schuill therof on the vther pairt . . . the said Wm. Fraser
is becum oblissit . . . that he sail God willing enter within the bru' of Elgin
betuix the dait heirof and the feist of Michaelmes nixtocum and . . . acceptis
vpoun him the cuir functioun and office of ane maister of Sang Schuill to instruct and
vpbring the youth of the said bru' in the art and sciens of musick so far as God has
grantit him grace to declair to thame and they to ressaue the samyn and to await
vpoun the said cuir diligentlye at all tymes and houris convenient according to the
prescryvit rewle wsit be all maisteris of musick in all tymes bygane and that frelie bot
any payment of scolledg siluer to be payit be burgessis and friemenis sonnis within
the said bru' except thair entres siluer and vtheris casualiteis wsit and wount at ony
tyme induring his seruice quha sail induir and remaine for the space of ane yeir nixt
efter his entrie thairto quhilk salbe at the feist of Michaelmes nixtocum and fra thyn
furth fra yeir to yeir induring all the dayis of the said Wm. Fraseris lyftyme at the
leist so lang as the saidis prouest and balzeis findis him diligentlye awyting by his said
cuir . . . and forder the said Wm. Fraser bindis and oblissis him faythfuUie that
he sail ilk Sonday and preching day within the paroche kirk of Elgin and alsua at
prayar tyme daylie eftir and afoir noyn be himselff and his scoUairis or vther sum
sufficient man deput be him in caice of his absens vpoun necessar occasionis vptak
the psalme befoir and efter preching ordinarlye at tymes wsit and wount and siclyk
bindis and oblissis him to accept the office and functioun of the preceptorie of
Mausendew conforme to the prouest and bailzeis presentatioun to be giffin him
. . . for the cjuhilkis premissis the saidis prouest bailzeis and consall . . .
to content and pay to the said Wm. Fraser the sowme of fourscoir pundis . . .
In witness . . . befoir thir witnesses Mr. Wm. Clerk master of the grammer
scoU of Elgin, Mr. Ale.x' Rawsone persone of Spynie, and Wm. Douglas vicar of Elgin.

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